Peter The Great Timeline

  • Peter The Great's Birth

    Peter The Great's Birth
    he was born in Moscow, Russia
  • Period: to

    Joint Rule Between Peter and His Half-Brother Ivan

    peter and his half-brother, Ivan the 5th, ruled russia together between 1682 and 1696.
  • Peter's Half-Brother, Ivan, Dies

    Peter's Half-Brother, Ivan, Dies
    Ivan the 5th dies. This makes Peter start to rule on his own instead of with his brother.
  • Peter Visits Europe

    Peter visits Europe. This causes him to start trying to modernize Russia technologically so that they can catch up the rest of Europe.
  • Peter The Great Founds Russia's First Naval Base.

    in September of 1698 Peter founds the first Russian naval base in Tagnarog. this is one of Peter's efforts to show that Russia is just as strong as other countries.
  • Peter Starts The Northern War in 1700

    Peter starts a war against Sweden known as The Northern War. He does this to prove that his army is stronger than Sweden's
  • Patriach Adrian Of Moscow The Head Of The Russian Church Dies.

    when Patrian Adrian died it left the position of the head of the church open. Instead of giving it to a preist he Peter handed over to a government branch so he could capitalize off of it.
  • St. Petersburg Was Founded

    In 1703 St. Petersburg was founded by Peter. Later on it became a huge trade city.
  • Aleksei, Peter's Son, Dies

    Peter, thinking Aleksei was involved in shady stuff, condemned his death.
  • Peter The Great Starts His Own Precedence Called The Table Of Ranks

    The Table Of Ranks was started so Peter can show his absolute rule.
  • Peter The Great Dies

    Peter The Great Dies
    On February 8th, 1725 Peter The Great dies after a battling with a lot of different health issues.