Peter the Great the timeline

  • Peter's Birth

    Born in Moscow Russia
  • Joint rule Russia with half-brother

    His brother's name is Ivan V
  • Ivan dies

    Ivan dies
    Dies of illness which advances Peter to full power of Russia.
  • The Grand Embassy

    The Grand Embassy
    Peter travels to western Europe to Modernize Russia
  • Revolts against Peter the Great

    People got upset about shaving beards and wearing western clothes
    - Also didn't like the high taxes
    - and the poor conditions of service
    - Didn't like government structure- Central authority
  • Peter finds Naval Base

    Peter finds Naval Base
    This was Russia's first Naval Base ever. It was in Tagonorag
  • Peter starts the Northern war

    Peter starts the Northern war
    Against Sweden to show his military strength and power.
  • Founded St. Petersburg

    Founded St. Petersburg
    He founded it in 1703. It ended up being a huge trade city.
  • Treaty of Nystad

    This ended the great northern war. Now there was peace between Russia and Sweden. Russia occupied most of the Baltic coast and Sweden secured Finland. Russia's power continued to increase rapidly.
  • Peter becomes ill

    He suffered from urinary/bladder problems. He had to get surgery on his bladder to remove the 4lbs of urine blocked from his bladder.
    After this was the beginning of a slow recovery.
  • Peter's death

    He never recovered and was suffering from an infected bladder. He goes down as one of Russia's most effective leader. He ruled for around 42 years. He was 52 years old when he passed