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Peter the Great

  • Peter's father died

    Peter's father died
    Peter's mother, Alexis, died when Peter was a mere four years old, but the death of Alexis would change the life of Peter forever. The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. “Alexis.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 14 Sept. 2011, www.britannica.com/biography/Alexis-tsar-of-Russia.
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    Growing up

    Peter grew up in a free atmosphere compared to other Tsars. He was not raised within the confines of the castle, rather with a former church clerk Nikita Zotov
  • The revolt of Streltsy

    The revolt of Streltsy
    The newest revolt took place at this time. Peter's older sister Sophie was removed from power after being out-voted. Peter banished his sister to the Novodevichy convent. This changed the course of his regin
    “Streltsy.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Nov. 2017, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streltsy.
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    Marriage time

    In the early year of 1689, Peter was arranged to marry the beautiful Eudoxia, but the marriage was short lived as Peter sent her to a convent a mere 9 years later
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    Azov campaigns

    This was the first failure that Russia had encountered when facing other nations. Peter did not let that put him down though, and he built a fleet to capture Azov which in 1696 he did. After this capture, Peter began to built a large navy
  • Destruction of Streltsy

    Destruction of Streltsy
    Peter went on to Austria to negotiate the anti-Turkish alliance, but heard that a new revolt had occurred. Peter showed no mercy when suppressing the revolt, and killed hundreds of streltsy. This action changed how Peter was viewed forever.
    “Military History of the Russian Empire.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Nov. 2017, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_Russian_Empire.
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    The northern war

    A war fought for 21 years to gain the eastern shores of the Baltic sea as a port. It was a win for Russia and a prize for Peter.
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    The Turkish war

    This was a war that ended in peace for everyone. Pushed out in the middle of the northern war, Peter pushed for surrender, and the Peace of Adrianople was made.
  • The marriage to catherine

    The marriage to catherine
    After the birth of his son, Peter the great started a "liaison" with a woman of low status who later become Catherine the great. She bore him children and they later married in 1712. This was very much his last marriage. “Prominent Russians: Catherine I.” Catherine I – Russiapedia The Romanov Dynasty Prominent Russians, russiapedia.rt.com/prominent-russians/the-romanov-dynasty/catherine-i/.
  • The birth of his son

    The birth of his son
    Peter was blessed with an heir by his discarded, wife Euxdoia. Peter's son was named Alexis, later in life was pushing back against his father's reforms. Alexis was later forced to change his ways or become a monk. Alexis ran to the safety of Charles VI and when upon return to Russia was pressed with charges of high treason and was condemned to death.