Peter the Great

  • Peter is born

    Peter was born is Moscow, Russia. Peter was the fourteenth out of his fathers 16 children so he was unlikely to be the king.
  • Peters Father Dies

    Peters father died leaving the throne open to the rightful heir. Peters older brother, Fedor III, became the king. Fortunately for Peter, Fedor was sick and unhealthy.
  • Peter becomes co-king

    After their brother Fedor died in May, Peter and his brother Ivan V are crowned as the rulers of Russia.
  • Peter becomes the sole ruler of Russia

    Even though Peters brother died in February 1696, Peter had been doing most of the ruling for a while now. Peter was 23 at this point.
  • The Great Northern War

    Peter wanted territory in Sweden so he could trade with other European states. To accomplish this he started a 21 year war and eventually got the land he wanted.
  • St. Petersburg is founded

    On the land that Peter obtained after the war, Peter built a new town, St. Petersburg, and made it the new capital of Russia.
  • Peter Dies

    Peter had been in a coma since the beginning of 1725 because he was infected with Ureima. After he died it was discovered that his bladder was infected with gangrene.