Death of Tsar Theodore II (April)
Peter is proclaimed Tsar. Revolt of the streltsy militia is led by Sophia. Ivan V and Peter I are crowned as joint tsars under the Regency of Sophia. Execution of Prince Ivan Khovansky. The abolition of the mestnichestvo. Real ruler of Russia is Golitsyn. -
Overthrow of the Regency of Sophia; exile of Golitsyn
Peter's mother, Natalia, becomes Regent. Treaty of Nerchinsk with China. -
Birth of Tsarevich Alexis
Death of Patriarch Joachim. -
First unsuccessful attack on Azov.
Death of Ivan V
Peter becomes sole Tsar. Capture of Azov from the Turks. -
Industrialization is reflected in the growth of metal production
Reorganization of the army on Western European lines. Chamber of burgomasters is established. -
Peace with the Ottoman Empire and the cession of Azov
Outbreak of The Great Northern War. Russian defeat at Narva by Charles XII of Sweden. Abolition of the Patriarchate following the death of Patriarch Adrian. Law Code commission is established. -
Revenues of monasteries are to be acquired by the state (Monastery Prikaz is established)
Navigation School is founded at Moscow. -
Russian victories at Hummeslhof and Nöteborg.
St Petersburg is founded. Ingria and Livonia are conquered from Sweden
First Russian newspaper, Vedomosti, is launched. -
Death of Tsarevna Sophia
Russian victory at Narva. Admiralty yard is founded in St Petersburg. -
Extension of systematic recruiting for the army
Grodno is occupied. Uprising in Astrakhan. -
Charles XII of Sweden invades Russia. Russian scorched earth policy
Cossack rising in the Don area. Moscow is replaced by St Petersburg as capital. -
Russian military victories under Menshikov; victory over the Swedes at Lesnaya
Ukraine is invaded by Charles XII. Local government reforms are promulgated (initial division of Russia into eight administrative provinces (gubernii) under an appointed governor). -
Major Russian victory at Poltava over Charles XII of Sweden
New Russo-Polish alliance and treaties with Denmark and Prussia. -
War is renewed with the Ottoman Empire. Defeat on the Pruth
Surrender of Azov and Taganrog. Senate is replaced with a boyar duma. Most trading monopolies are abolished. Treaty with hospodar of Moldavia. -
Peter and Catherine are married.
Peace with Ottoman Empire
Finish campaign. Russia captures Helsinki. -
Naval Academy is established in St Petersburg.
New administrative colleges (nine in number) replace the Prikazy
Second journey of Peter to Western Europe. -
Execution of Alexis (son and heir of Peter)
Double tax is imposed on the Old Believers. Provincial court system is established. -
Great Northern War ends with the Treaty of Nystad (see Treaties and Alliances)
Peter takes the title of Emperor. Orthodox Patriarchate is abolished and replaced by the Holy Synod (which is subordinate to secular authority). Start of four years of crop failures. Ban on the sale of individual serfs. -
Table of Ranks is instituted
Start of war with Persia. Peter wins the right to nominate his successor (Law on Succession to the Throne). Office of Procurator-General is created. -
Imposition of a poll tax on all servile males
Russian gains in Caspian (including Baku and Derbent) are confirmed in a peace treaty. -
Catherine, Peter's second wife, is crowned as Empress
Heavy comprehensive import tariffs are introduced. First collection of the poll tax. -
Death of Peter the Great
Succession of Empress Catherine. -
Death of Peter the Great
Succession of Empress Catherine.