Period: 1462 to 1505
Ivan III of Moscow
during his ruling, he conquered much of the territory around Moscow, liberated Russia from the Mongols, and began to centralize the Russian government. -
Nov 20, 1533
Ivan the Terrible
came to throne at the age of 3 -
Period: 1547 to 1560
Ivan's "good period"
won great victories, added lands to Russia, gave Russia a code of laws, and ruled justly -
Ivan the Terrible
"bad period" started after Anastasia died -
Ivan the Terrible
killed his oldest son -
Ivan the Terrible
died 3 years after he killed his oldest son, only his weak second son was left to rule -
Russian Representatives Met to Choose the Next Czar
Period: to
Romanov Dynasty
Micheal Romanov became the next Czar and his dynasty ruled Russia for 300 years -
Peter Becomes the Sole Ruler of Russia
Peter Embarks on the "Grand Embassy"
Peter Begins Building a New City
started building on Swedish lands occupied by Russian troops -
Peter's Death
Russia was a power to be reckoned with in Europe