Introduction to of Personalized Learning Strategies
Staff members will be provided professional development on what personalized learning is. Discussions on pros and cons of this model of teaching will be facilitated. -
Leadership Team Meeting on PL
The site leadership team will meet to develop needs in the roll out of personalized learning for specific classes. Issues and concerns will be noted and taken to site administration. -
Site Approval/District Guidance
After receiving support from site administration. Staff will work with district TOSA´s to ensure curricular supports are in place. Site administrator will put a request in for funding of necessary technology. -
On Site Professional Development
Lead teacher for personalized learning will provide an in service for staff members planning on rolling out model for their classroom´s in 2019-2020 school year. -
External Professional Development
All Staff members rolling out personalized learning in 2019-2020 will attend personalized learning conference/training. -
Review of Student Data
Teachers that will be rolling out personalized learning will review student data in order to plan and prepare for individual learning goals and progressions. -
Introduction of Personalized Learning to Students
Incoming students will be given the opportunity to see what they will be working on in the designated classrooms modeling personalized learning for the 2019 - 2020 school year. This will take place during the orientation prior to the first day of school. -
Review of Student Data for 1st quarter
The first quarter student data will be presented to the staff during our professional learning community time. Lead personalized learning teacher will send out a survey to staff and students on what is working and what might need to be tweaked to provide a better experience.