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Personality Timeline

By Mamin39
  • Born

    26 July 2000, the day I was born. The day that I came to life and had two older brothers Bader and Bassam.
  • Celebrating my 6th birthday

    Celebrating my 6th birthday
    celebrating my 6th birthday in medieval times. This event changed me and made me love the medieval times restaurant because of their shows and how amazing it was. It was an early birthday surprise.
  • Grandfather death

    when my grandfather died, I felt like I died to he was something important to me and he was the one that raised me and I always was with him I loved him so much and I still love him he will always be remembered
  • Father's sickness

    My father had kidney failure and he was really sick I couldn't see my father for 3 months and I hated my life I really missed my father. This event taught me that I need to spend time with my loved ones because if I don't I don't know when ill die or anyone of my loved ones would die.
  • Traveling with my best friend for the first time

    Traveling with my best friend for the first time
    Traveling with Khalid Adel my best friend for the first time was something amazing we had a lot of fun and this trip taught me how to be organized, responsible and how to take care of my self when I'm alone.
  • My first football match

    My first football match
    Attending Manchester United's match for the first time made me love going to matches because I'm a hardcore united fan it was Manchester United against Bayern Munich and this made me want to go to more matches.
  • Meeting my Girlfriend

    Meeting my Girlfriend
    Shahad Janahi is my girlfriend, she changed my life a lot by making me a better person. We have been together for 1 year and 3 months.
  • School Trip

    School Trip
    The school trip was one of the best trips I ever went to because all of my friends were there and I really had fun because of the people that were with me and this trip made me learn a lot of things in life like never ever talk to a stranger or go with a stranger lol:)