Personal Timeline

  • Birthday

    I was born on January 16th, 2006. My mom's name is Clarena and my dad's name is Wilson. My dad told me that even right after I was born, I started laughing. I think this explains how I'm usually a happy person.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    I started school when I was 2 years old. Even though it was barely elementary school, I was always known by teachers for being a good student. I consider myself a good student so far and will plan to stay like that for a while.
  • Baptism

    My Christian family made me do this when I was 2 years old. Even though the ceremony didn't mean much to me, I was glad to have my family members there with me
  • Elementary School

    Elementary School
    During this time I had a lot of friends and had fun at school. What made school easier was that, since my mom's a teacher, she always taught at the school where I studied, so I could see her if I needed something.
  • Riding a donkey

    Riding a donkey
    I went to my cousin's farm and rode a donkey. I think this marked my life because the donkey started to seduce another donkey while I was on it and it was scary because I couldn't control it, and that's how life is sometimes.
  • Moved schools

    Moved schools
    My mom started to work at a different school in our city, so she took me with her. I only liked this school because it had a castle, but when I was enrolled in the school I went to the castle and it was just a wall and I couldn't go in. I consider this important because it was one of the first dissampointments in my life
  • Pre-Elementary school graduation

    Pre-Elementary school graduation
    This was a special day where, even though I was still small, I felt really grown and happy that my parents could see me graduate (because my dad did everything he could to be there for me)
  • New friends

    New friends
    Since I had moved schools, I had to make new friends. This is a really important thing in my life because these are my friends from kindergarten until today, the people that watched me grow and have many memories with me. I love them
  • School Play

    School Play
    I hated this play because my classmates and I couldn't agree on anything and they decided to do Harry Potter. This was important because it taught me that things can not always be the way you want and that communication is hard
  • My grandma's house

    My grandma's house
    My grandparents on my dad's side live in the mountains. We used to visit them once a year every year and all the memories I created there with my cousins and other family members will always be special to me.
  • Middle school

    Middle school
    Starting middle school wasn't a big change for me since I was still with the same people in my class that have been there for years. I had a lot of fun with my friends and family which was happy
  • "I'm leaving"

    "I'm leaving"
    I told each of my friends individually when it was decided that we were moving to the U.S. because of my mom's work. We all got sad and I knew that I was gonna miss them so much, so they decided to go out with me pretty often and have fun on my last month there
  • Moving 1st phase

    Moving 1st phase
    The first phase of moving is when you think everything is perfect. When I first moved I was so excited because I was in the "big USA" and thought everything was pretty and perfect
  • 2nd phase

    2nd phase
    The second phase is when you start to miss everything. Nights of crying and days of loneliness while you miss your family, friends, food, house and life itself, and everything annoys you and you dont feel like you fit anywhere It's when the only thing you wish you could do was go back and never leave again.
  • Luci

    Something that I consider really important since I moved is that one of my closest friends from Colombia also moved to the US and doesn't live too far, and I got to visit her for my 15th birthday
  • Ceramics

    During my sophomore year, I took a ceramics class. I learned a new skill that I didn't even know I had. It is something I still enjoy doing at home by myself and I find it a really relaxing hobby
  • 3rd phase

    3rd phase
    This is where you accept reality and start being happy with your new life. I started to have more friends and realized that the best for me was to be happy with the present and not so attached to the past
  • Joseph <3

    Joseph <3
    Joseph has been the most amazing person that I've met so far since I moved. He has been there for me whenever I need him. He's caring, sweet, respectful (with me and others), always there to help and really handsome. He has helped me grow and become happier with my life here and I really hope that I get to make him as happy as he makes me because I love him so much
  • Back to Colombia

    Back to Colombia
    I went to Colombia to visit for a month. I felt really emotional as soon as I stepped out of the plane and for my whole time there. Seeing all my family members and friends again was an amazing experience that I had been wanting to feel ever since I left. I truly enjoyed my time there and can't wait to visit again
  • Back to the US

    Back to the US
    Moving back to the US was sad because of the really good time I had in Colombia, but I was glad to see Joseph again. At first I thought it was just coming back to my life, but after a couple of months I felt like I got back to phase 2 of moving but not the exact same. I have Joseph and other friends that don't make me feel too lonely