My Birth
I was a complicated birth since I was a big baby my mom had a c-section. I got sick after the first couple days I had really high fever but everything turned out alright. I was also born in Northridge CA and the hospital where I was born has since been demolished. -
My little brother was born
It was amazing and I was really excited about him. I had to stay with my cousins which was really exciting but scary since it was dark. This event really impacted my life since later on he was diagnosed with Autism but it made me love him even more. -
First day of Head start program
It was like preschool and I learned the basics but it was really fun. I had my first best friend which now I know nothing about them. The school has since then been closed and I believe its a church. -
I learned to ride a bike
I was really scared, I fell but then I learned. My older brother taught me how to ride a bike, he took off the training wheels and held on to the bike until he let go. After that I would ride my bike around the street and it made me realize how I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. -
First day of Middle School
Starting 6th grade in a new school was scary but exciting. My older brother was an 8th grader but he was no guidance what so ever but I found my way. I met really amazing and kind teachers that taught me a lot. -
Culminating 5th Grade
It was really exciting since I was going to be starting a new school. But at the same time I was really sad since I was not going to hang around with most of my friends. I had to do these announcements type thing at the ceremony and it was bad. -
I moved from Sylmar California all the way to Bakersfield. I did not want to move at all since I was leaving all my friends behind so I felt as if my life was over. The first year here I got really sick due to the change in weather but the move made me change perspective in the way I viewed things. -
Starting back in an Elementary
When I got here and I realized I had to go back to Elementary I was devastated since I had already made that transition to a middle school. But it was not bad since I had recess again so it was amazing. I struggled making friends since I had a really negative outlook on life in general. But then I met good friends. -
Starting Highschool
I was really nervous for high school I did not really know what to really expect. It was not that bad it was average I enjoyed all my teachers and I learned a lot. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know new people as well. -
This event has not taken place yet but it is very soon. My little brother is going to be born and I am really excited but nervous. I am excited to see how he is going to look and act.