Personal Timeline

By ljdavis
  • Libby's Birth

    Libby's Birth
    The day Libby Joanne Davis was born at 10:12 am.
  • First Birthday party

    First Birthday party
    At my first birthday party, I had a blow-up slide, a cotton candy machine, and a pinata. The best birthday party ever.
  • First lego set

    First lego set
    It was the Lego Friends cruise ship, that sprung my new obsessions.
  • Baptism

    The day I was baptized at the Mormon church by my brother.
  • Moved to Kansas

    Moved to Kansas
    Moved to Kansas from Utah, the biggest change of my life.
  • Graduation from Highschool

    Graduation from Highschool
    Will graduate ready for the future!!!
  • My first cat/dog that I own

    My first cat/dog that I own
    My dream is to have pets in college.
  • When I get married

    When I get married
    Hopefully, I get married to the most amazing guy
  • First time in Finland

    First time in Finland
    My favorite country to ever exist, it is my dream to visit.
  • My first child

    My first child
    My first boy or girl with the most amazing spouse.
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    This Timeline shows me how fun of a childhood I had and how blessed I was to have everything I did. It makes me excited for the future and reflect on the events in my past.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    It would be very different, If I never get married I most likely will never have children which would not fully fulfill what I wanted for the future.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem to be?

    My career is very flexible, I have no idea what I want to do. But relationship wise I want to fall in love and get married then have children. And I would be very sad if I never got to go to Finland.