Personal Timeline

  • Birth

  • Brother Is Born

    Brother Is Born
  • Brothers are Born

    Brothers are Born
  • Move to California

    Move to California
  • Move to Washington

    Move to Washington
  • Move to Kansas

    Move to Kansas
  • Go to College

    Go to College
  • Graduate College

    Graduate College
  • Get a Job

    Get a Job
  • Get Married

    Get Married
  • Have a Family

    Have a Family
  • Question 1

    1. This timeline tells where I have lived and when my siblings were born. It also shares my dreams for the future and when I hope to plan to accomplish them. I wanted my timeline to be able to give some of the major events in my life. I also thought about some of the major events that could happen in the future that I wanted to incorporate.
  • Question 2

    If I could change some events on the timeline, then my life would change. The events leading up to now would impact who I am. It would also change my personality and the things that I like to do. I might not be where I am today if my timeline were to change.
  • Question 3

    1. I think that my future is flexible. I do not have a set date for everything. I know when I want to accomplish things for me like college. But many of the thing like having children can often be unpredictable so I would say my timeline is flexible.