Personal Timeline

  • 9/11

    Whenever my mom was in highschool the Twin Towers were hit by a plane and crashed down to the ground, there were people who were above of where the plane hit and they were pretty much jumping for there lives since they all ready knew they were going to die. My uncle was supposed to be in the Pentagon but luckly on that day he was moved out to somewhere else and was not in the Pentagon when the tradgic event happened.
  • President

    Obama was the 44th presdient in the United States.
  • Famous Person Died

    Micheal Jackson died
  • Explosions

    Two explosions go off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Three people were killed and 183 were left injured.
  • Getting A dog - Personal

    Whenever I got a dog that was a huge moment in my life because I was gonna have something that would be there everyday of my life and having somethin I really care for.
  • Cancer - Personal

    My grandpa was having a lot of problems and he went to the doctor and they said he had a high stage of Cancer that is running through his body (I think it was stage 4 ) and they did the surgery and thankfully it was sucsessful and hes alive today, but that was a really scary moment of my life.
  • Tradgic weather event

    Tsunami hit flordia leaving a muge mess of damaged houses and damged builings, parks, etc.
  • Cousins Being Born - Personal

    Me, My dad, and my sister were over at my aunts house and my dad gets a call from my mom saying "His sister is in Labor ¨, so him being the good brother he is goes up to the hospital with my mom, my sister and me. He stayed for like an hour than he had to got to work, but me and my fam stayed up there with my aunt and we had to sleep in the hospital room she was staying in, but I didnt sleep at all.
  • Family dinner - Personal

    When we were at family dinner my aunt was making something in the oven and it caught on fire and I remember that day like it was yesterday. She also caught a small part of a table on fire while litting the candles on the cake
  • Plane Crash Accident - Personal

    Whenever Kobe, Gigi, and the rest of the people died in the plane crash that was a hard moment for me because 1. Gigi was the same age as me, 2. I really looked up to Kobe, and whenever I found out the news I couldn´t stop crying.