Personal Timeline

  • Moving from Kansas to Florida

    Moving from Kansas to Florida
  • Moving from Florida to Georgia

    Moving from Florida to Georgia
  • Going on my first mission trip for my church

    Going on my first mission trip for my church
  • Moving from Georgia back to Kansas

    Moving from Georgia back to Kansas
  • What does my timeline tell me about myself?

    It shows that I remember more recent significant events in my life rather than the ones that happened earlier in my life.
  • How flexible or fixed does my future seem to be?

    Not very fixed, I don't really know what I want to do for my career.
  • Getting my first job

    Getting my first job
  • How different would I be if I changed one or two of the events?

    I could be living in a different state if one or two of the events were changed.
  • Graduate high school

  • Period: to

    Graduate college

  • Period: to

    Get a high paying job

  • Period: to

    Get married

  • Period: to

    Find a career

  • Period: to
