Personal Timeline

By djkim
  • Grandmas Death

    Grandmas Death
    My grandma died when I was 8 months old, it took a toll on my entire family.
  • First Day of Elementary

    First Day of Elementary
    I was 5 years old when I started my first day of Kindergarten at Arbor Creek Elementary in Olathe.
  • First Time Playing Basketball

    First Time Playing Basketball
    I started playing basketball around December of 2008
  • Broken Nose

    Broken Nose
    I broke my nose if 6 different places after running into the beam of a metal fence playing football.
  • Changing Homes

    I moved from Olathe to the Blue Valley Southwest area in 2014, this was the end of my 5th grade year and beginning of 6th grade.
  • Highschool Basketball

    Highschool Basketball
    In April my high school basketball career comes to an end.
  • Graduation

    My k-12 education comes to an end and now I am off to college.
  • Job

    I get my first job (something with business)
  • Married and Kids

    Married and Kids
    I will hopefully be married by then and have three kids (triplet boys who play basketball)
  • Retirement

    I will be retired by then from whatever job I have
  • What does your time line tell you about yourself?

    I liked my past a lot and I reminisce about it, but I am very eager for the future and what it has in store for me.
  • How different would you be if you could have changed one or two events along your line?

    If I didn't play basketball from a young age I would be completely different and I would have a different future. I would go to a completely different college and be a different person.
  • How flexible or fixed does your future seem do be?

    I think it is very flexible. Nothing right now I have is guaranteed and I have no idea what the future has in store for me. Only time will tell.