Personal Timeline

  • I got first place at the sciene fair

    So this is when everyone was doing coke and mentos and I was happy because I knew that i could do that but i wanted to make it better by doing more then one soda and who doesn't like to see soda exploding anyways so the science fair is done and we had to wait for the results and they were saying them over the intercom and they got to the first place winner and it was me.
  • My little brother being born

    I was the youngest sibling on both sides of the family but in 2013 my little brother was born and at eight years old I was just more surprised more then anything but I was happy because I got to be the boss of someone and I thought hat was all you had to do and i was so wrong.
  • That one time i was getting bullied and my sub defended me

    So this was in the third grade and i´m surprised that i still r ember this and she was doing attendance and my teacher went by last name and the teacher gets to my name and everyone just starts laughing and of course i felt embarrassed and me being naive I didn't know exactly what they were talking about i just knew that people were laughing at me but my teacher Ms smith she stated talking about everyone was mad at her for it and i never understood why.
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    My 8th grade year got ruined by COVID but we had computers and technology and we had a virtual graduation and it was weird but I was looking forward to that moment since forever but I didn't expect it to happen online and i was happy to just be there and accomplish it.
  • My Little sister being born

    My sister being born changed me a lot more then i thought I would because my entire family was like you'll never be a younger sibling again or shes replacing you and as much as it made me mad I just ignored it all but when she was born life was different to say the least.
  • I got transferred from dyett to Morgan Park

    This is the most unforgettable moment of my life because ive never been the new student or the new kid and especially in high-school and it was weird and I was upset because I loved that school but luckily my best friend goes here so I wasn't all the way alone.
  • My first time on a plane

    So not only was this my first plane ride it was my first time out and i was doing it by myself ... kinda so my dad came to pick me up so i can pack my bag properly and we had to make sure we had everything so once we get done packing bags its time for us to got o sleep and the next morning its go time and side note we-had to get up a 6:00. ..we get to the actual airport and ive never seen that many people in my life like it was probably millions of people there and out flight was nice.
  • I had a altercation with my ¨Cousin¨

    To make a long story short she was fake like barbie plastic fake and she would always going around telling my business to family members that i didn't associate myself with and she wanted to fight me ... and mind you she was 20 and I was 16 at the times so theres that and this showed m that blood isnt thicker than water.e
  • I passed my math text with a good grade

    So I hate math with everything in my heart a n I just don like it but i was in ms Phillips class and i was understanding what was gong on and I had a good feeling about the test but i still felt like i was going to fail it but i ended up passing the test with a 80%