Personal Technology

  • Period: to

    Personal Technology

  • Walkman

    First CD walkman. The first personal truly technological device I remember having. My oldest brother then broke it a week later.
  • First computer

    First computer
    first computer provided by my middleschool in 5th grade. Many games and not so much work was played on that.
  • First Ipod

    First Ipod
    My first Ipod. Third generation. I had it for a couple of years until a new ipod came out
  • Itunes created

    Itunes created
    First use of PC version of Itunes. Mac version came out in April of 2003. A very significant technology incorporated with my third gen. ipod. Made it very easy to manage and buy music.
  • First Phone?

    First Phone?
    I truly don't remember when I got my first phone, but I believe it was around 7th grade. It was a Nokia, black and white screen, with interchangable plastic covers.
  • First Mac

    First Mac
    First Macintosh computer. Would never own another PC again. Had this computer from my 8th grade birthday to senior year of highschool.
  • First gaming system

    First gaming system
    I was one of the last people in my grade to get a gaming system, mostly because my parents were very against it. It was an xbox I got off some guy on craigslist. My oldest brother broke it two weeks later.
  • First car

    First car
    First car owned. Allowed me to travel where ever when ever I wanted, whether it was good or bad. It was nice having a car at such a young age, because it hightened my awareness of my surroundings and the city I lived in. In a way, it made me more mature. My flying time increased as well because I could drive to the airport when ever I wanted.
  • First Iphone

    First Iphone
    Senior year of highschool - first Iphone bought. Was one of the biggest technological advances in my life. The best thing I remember about it was having all of your music, email, text, etc. on ONE device. I remember having to carry a phone and an ipod.
  • Second computer

    Second computer
    My latest and last technological advance was the purchase of my second computer. Also a Mac, this one is incredibly fast, thin, and durable. I'm guessing I'll have this throughout my college career.