I need to have the criteria for my project done by Thursday, along with this timeline, it says on managebac that it only has to be simple. There are 5 main criteria that need to be completed, Global context, function, form Users and cost. -
There are three parts to my project, past, present, and future. The future is a challenge because it is a model, but past and present are low hanging fruit, I would like the research for these 2 done by the end of school -
Begin product
I have a very busy summer, I wont actually be able to get any work done on my product until June. This is when I will start my product -
When the research for past and present are done, I will try and complete the video presentations and possibly complete the research needed to build my model of a future wakepark, but that would be a challenge -
Have product finished
5 pictures of the final product are due on the 15th of August, obviously it would be ideal to have my product finished by then. -
Written report
Different sections of the written report are due at different times. The final draft is due on the 20th of October. -
This is the exhibition, its self explanatory, we will be displaying our final products.