Personality Description
I am a very independent girl who likes things my way. I am indecisive and like to weigh my options. I enjoy to travel and see how different people live. I am very sympathetic and connect to people easily. Family is very important to me and I spend a lot of time with them. I enjoy traditions with friends or family. Friendship is highly valued to me and I am caustious when trusting people. I like trying new things and have very few fears. I like trying new things with people I love. -
Starting to dance again
When I was in first grade I stopped doing all types of dance except for tap. I did not want to continue with ballet because I didn't find fun. I was happy with my decision for two years but in third grade I decided I wanted to start again. It was hard for me to start again because I could not be in the same level as the rest of the people my ago since they had been moving up in levels. Getting back into dancing was difficult for me but since I wanted to catch up I worked hard and didn't stop -
My dog Bogey dying
My parents had gotten a puppy, Bogey, right after they got married. I grew up with her my whole childhood. She was a very loving dog being a labrador and did not hurt a soul. I have always loved animals and dogs in particular. Seeing her grow old was hard for me since I wanedt to play with her since I was young. When we had to put her down when I was 9 I was heart broken. She was the only pet I ever had, it was hard to live without her. I was sad for a long time and still am to this day. -
Going to Europe for the first time
My parents love to travel and ever since they went to Europe they had wanted to bring my sister and me. When I was going into sixth grade we had the oppurtunity to go. We went to Brussels, England, and France. Being on a different continesnt opened my eyes to a whole different way of life. Seeing how people in a different country live and their routines is interesting. To see the similarities and differences in their life and my own was very cool to see. -
My sister going away to college
My bestfriend has always been my sister and always will be. We are very close and tell each other everything. She has always been my role model and helps me no matter what. At gatherings with family or our parents friends I always have her to rely on. Since I am the younger sister I learn everything from her. When she went away to college I had to figure out how to act independently. It was very hard not having my bestfriend in the next room whenever I wanted. Slowly I figured it out. -
Meeting Audrey
During my sophomore year I was having a hard time dealing with friend drama. It seems like being a girl in high school you can never escape drama and it was very hard for me. In my gym class I started talking to Audrey. We had talked before through other friends but not a lot. I soon realized I really connected with her and she has become my best friend. I trust her with lots and can always count on her. She helped me figure out how to deal with all the drama and create the good out of bad