Personal Identity Digital Timeline

By juliaw5
  • My closest aunts wedding day

    My closest aunts wedding day
    My dad's sister was getting married. This was a special event for me because this was a happy day for her and if she's happy so am I. This showed me that love lasts because they are still happy together with a beautiful family.
  • Graduation

    I finally graduated from middle school. This changed my perspective on life because I was just going into high school not knowing much. It was also right after covid and the cases were decreasing so we were able to graduate in person.
  • Tornado close to my house.

    Tornado close to my house.
    This event was big to me because it woke me up. I realized that even if you feel safe you aren't always fully safe.
  • First Homecoming

    First Homecoming
    I went to my first homecoming during freshman year. I felt older and more mature. I've never been to something like that so I was very excited to experience that.
  • Trip to Warsaw

    Trip to Warsaw
    I went to Warsaw with my favorite aunt for her son's surgery. This made me realize how much stress my aunt was going through and how much of support I wanted to give her since she's very important to me.
  • Cut My Hair

    Cut My Hair
    This was my first time cutting my hair so short. I did it for a change because of all the things that were going on around me. I feel like it helped and it developed my confidence more because I felt brand new.
  • Went to a Concentration Camp

    Went to a Concentration Camp
    This was my first time going to a place where so much trauma happened. It was a weird experience and I had goosebumps the whole entire time. I have grown since that because I have realized how much stuff people in the past have gone through and I started to have a bigger picture to life.
  • My brother has been born.

    My brother has been born.
    This was a huge event in my life that is still changing me to this day. When my little brother was born I felt fear and excitement. This was my first sibling because I was the only child. I have been a good big sister and I want to continue in doing that a bettering myself for him.
  • My baby brothers 1st birthday

    My baby brothers 1st birthday
    As a family we have went to a jungle and my little brother loved it. Even though he is so tiny still he loves all the green around him. This event made me think about how fast time goes by because it feels like he was just born even though a whole year went by.
  • My dogs surgery

    My dogs surgery
    This even had and still has a big effect on me. Once I found out my dog was sick I panicked a lot and couldn't deal with that situation. Thankfully he is at home now and is curing from his surgery day by day. I was scared I was going to lose him because he is like family. I was raised with him and I wouldn't know how I would cope if I lost him.