Personal Identity Digital Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born a summer baby in the heart of Chicago. I remember my parents telling me the story about how I was almost born in a car because of a train.The train delayed the drive for a bit.
  • Little Brother Birth

    Little Brother Birth
    My baby brother was born in august. I don't remember what happened this day but it started our rivalry as brothers. My parents told me how I was always jealous of him.
  • Introvert start of preschool

    Introvert start of preschool
    On the first day of preschool, I was super nervous and didn't want to leave my parent's side. I remember my dad giving me a photo of him so I won't be lonely. I spent most of the time playing by myself until I started getting comfortable with the people around me and started talking to them more. This is how I am with other people today as an introvert. If I don't know you I find it hard to talk.
  • T-ball

    First time playing t-ball and getting into baseball. I still love watching baseball and hope the cubs win.
    GO CUBS!!!
  • Knowledgeable Start of Kindergarten

    Knowledgeable Start of Kindergarten
    First day of School at Canty. Going to school for the first time was going to make me a Knowledgeable student. I learned all about math, English, and history. Learning all of this it help mold me into a knowledgeable student, without the basic math formula I couldn't do the advance math I do now.
  • Caring Meting My bestfriend

    Caring Meting My bestfriend
    I met my best friend when I saw him sitting by himself at the lunch table.I talked to him and shared him some chips. This was the first step in making me into a kind person.I learned how to become a caring person and I knew how others felt.
  • Trip to Florida

    Trip to Florida
    Took a trip with my family to Florida and had a lot of happy memories with my family. One of my favorite trips I took. There was a point where we go lost in the everglades at night. I also remember getting the stomach flu during the trip
  • Trip to Downtown Chicago

    Trip to Downtown Chicago
    My Fifth grade class took a trip to chicago where we went on a boat and went up the willis tower. It made me interested in the city I lived in and had a fun time with my teachers and classmates.
  • Turbulent With My Science Project

    Turbulent With My Science Project
    A time when I was turbulent was when I had to do a project for math class. I was super stress because I wanted it to be perfect. I spent the whole week just stressing over it and it came out fine. However it is bad for me to stress of over one thing.I am still like this because I want my assignments to be good.
  • Open-minded taking band lessons

    Open-minded taking band lessons
    This was the start of me learning the Trumpet and this made me open minded to new hobbies and learn more things out of school. I don't play the trumpet anymore but it helped me tryout new hobbies and right now I am going to try woodworking for the first time hopefully.
  • Start Player Pitching for baseball

    Start Player Pitching for baseball
    This was the first time me playing actual baseball where the players pitch it to you. I had a ton of fun meeting new people and trying this new sport. I remember trying my best on the team and my family proud when I would win games.
  • Hard Worker Second Place for Baseball season

    Hard Worker Second Place for Baseball season
    My team came in second Place for the baseball season. I was a bit sad but it made me a more of a team player and hard worker.Over the season every day I had to practice for baseball in the cold or at night for long hours.This is a trait I still use today when I do homework.
  • Reliable Stood up for my Brother

    Reliable Stood up for my Brother
    One time I was walking back home I went to go meet up with my brother so we can walk together. I saw these two kids messing with him and I told them to leave him alone. Ever since this, my little brother knows he can rely on me to help him with anything.
  • Solar eclipse

    Solar eclipse
    I went downtown where my dad worked with my family. After his work we went to this place with giants rocks and watched a total solar eclipse. Then after this we played miniature golf. This is one of my favorite memory growing up because I remember how happy I was to watch the solar eclipse.
  • Reflective Start of Covid-19

    Reflective Start of Covid-19
    Start of Covid-19 when everyone had to stay indoors. This made me become a reflective person and more patience. It made me reflect on all the things I took for granted. I had to wait a while to visit family and I remember how much appreciated I was to know everyone was ok. I also had a journal that I would write in it during quarantine.
  • Caring Person my First Dog

    Caring Person my First Dog
    I went with my older brother and dad to the country side to go pick up my pet dog Tobi. This was the first time I had a pet dog and he really help our family during the quarantine time. This made me a dog lover and more caring of a person. I help take my dog for walks and would wake up early in the morning to feed him and pick up his poop.
  • Observant in School

    Observant in School
    During school I would be alone most of the time and I would just observe my surroundings. This allowed me to know what would happen like arguments and fights. Even now I could tell when I fight would happen and I could avoid it. This is a trait that is very beneficial because I can avoid getting into conflicts.
  • Trip to Florida

    Trip to Florida
    My Family took another trip to Florida to visit my cousin for his graduation. This was when we had online classes so I had to go on call in the car while my family was driving. I would often lose internet but when we made it to the place we were staying at I could finally relax. This was a photo taken at my cousin graduation and he was super surprised that we went to Florida to see him.
  • Went to my first cubs game

    Went to my first cubs game
    I went to watch the Cubs play a game against the Giants. This was my first time going to a cubs game and I even got a ball from one of the Ushers. This was a memorable moment with my mom, dad and brother. After the game I went to shake shack and had one of the best burgers in a long time.
  • First Bulls Game

    First Bulls Game
    I went to my first bulls game with my family and had an amazing time. After this game we went to portillos super late at night to get Chicago style hot dogs. The bulls also won this game and I had hoped they would win the Finals. I also won a t-shirt from the seat I was siting in.