Personal Identity Digital Timeline

By Fotini!
  • Birth

    I was born in Illinois in a hospital near Des Plaines around 8pm, all of my family was their for my birth, both my mom and dad side of the family.
  • Thoughtful

    Ever since the day my cousin was born, we were inseparable, we were almost like sisters, I have always been there for her even though we live far away from each other. I hate seeing her sad and I always did whatever I could to make her better just like how she is with me. No matter what I'll always be there for her and she'll always be there for me.
  • First Halloween

    First Halloween
    I was dressed up as a baby cow and both my parents took me trick or treating around my neighborhood around night time.
  • Brother's Birth

    Brother's Birth
    In started walking during that time and he was also born in IL in the same hospital in Des Plaines. He is the youngest and I'm the oldest.
  • My Baptism

    My Baptism
    My brother and I shared our baptism together at St. johns Greek Orthodox church. I was a year old and he was only a few months old. I was crying the whole time and my brother barely cried at all.
  • First year of Gymnastics

    First year of Gymnastics
    I was 4 years old at the time and started off doing tumbling at Hiawatha park. My mom would dress me in black leggings and short sleeve T-shirts with my hair in a ponytail. I remember my first coach, Ms. Debby.
  • My First Tooth

    My First Tooth
    I was at my grandma's house on my dad's side of the family and showed my grandma that my tooth was loose. She wanted to see it and she realized how loose it was, so she decided to wiggle my loose tooth and all of the sudden she pulls it out, then I was told the story of the tooth fairy and got paid $6.
  • First Day Kindergarten

    First Day Kindergarten
    I was 5 years old and attending Arthur E. Canty school. I wore a side pony tail with a jean jacket and pink leggings. I made friends but was really scared after my mom left the school, I remember I even hid under a table because of how nervous I was.
  • Riding a Bike

    Riding a Bike
    My mom decided it was time for me to learn how to ride a bike without training wheels, I was really nervous at first. I practiced in the front yard of my house and after a few tries, I was riding a bike without training wheels very easily and my mom was recording the whole time.
  • Best Gymnastics Competition

    Best Gymnastics Competition
    After tumbling at Hiawatha park, I decided to join their competition team once I got older. Each year had a competition season in the winter, I had to learn 3 routines and compete them in front of 3 judges, one on the bean, mat, and vault. This particular competition was one of my best seasons because I won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in my divisions which my family and I were very proud of. After winning that competition, I moved onto the next competition in downtown Chicago for city wide competitions.
  • Parents Divorce- Understanding

    Parents Divorce- Understanding
    I was usually used to my parents arguing and never being around each other, my mother was always around us while my dad was always at work. Once my brother and i were told the news by my mother, I was sad but relieved at the same time, I understood why they had to, if they didn't nobody in our family would be happy with each other. I'm glad the way things worked out and i understand that it was for the best for everyone
  • Adopting My Dog-Responsible

    Adopting My Dog-Responsible
    Once my parents seperated, my mom thought it would be a great idea to get a dog. We went to the adoption center and we saw this dog in the corner alone in a cage and wanted to see how he would be with our family. He was loving, sweet, and always wanted cuddles and kisses, so we couldn't say no to adopting him. My mother then reminded me and brother that we have to help take care of him, whether its feeding, walking, picking up poop, we have to help out and take care of him equally.
  • 8th grade Graduation

    8th grade Graduation
    I graduated 8th grade from Arthur E. Canty Elementary school, during 2020 corona virus occurred which made my school go a few months of remote learning until graduation occurred. I wore my cap and gown in front of a computer screen along with 150 other students who graduated that day. After the remote graduation ceremony, I took pictures with my friends from school in our caps and gowns at Hiawatha park.
  • Fitness Journey- Motivated

    Fitness Journey- Motivated
    During the pandemic, I realized I wasn't taking care of my body mentally and physically, I was always exhausted and never wanted to do physical activity, so I decided to change my ways. I started waking up early, working out, eating better, etc. Over those 6-8 months, I lost 30 pounds and felt great about myself for once. even though I realized the number on the scale doesn't matter, I feel stronger and happier with my body more than I did before that journey.
  • Homecoming- Extraverted

    Homecoming- Extraverted
    My date and I were planning on just taking pictures alone together, but then we got invited to take pictures with our friends and throw an afterparty. We had a great time and I've been close with those people ever since going to homecoming with them. I'm usually more a person who likes to hang with friends and be social with others no matter who the person is.
  • 16th Birthday-Grateful

    16th Birthday-Grateful
    On my 16th birthday, my mother surprised me with a spa day at this place in Park Ridge. We got massages, facials, and a steam shower. We were very relaxed and had a lot of fun which makes me very grateful to have a mother like her who loves and cares for me.
  • High School Relationship- Openminded

    High School Relationship- Openminded
    During the beginning of sophomore year, I didn't even think about a boyfriend nor did I want one in high school. I met him a weeks into school and didn't think much of it, but once we started talking I was still nervous but realized how much he cared for me. After 6 months I was then open to the idea of making it official and we have been dating ever since.
  • First Job-Independent

    First Job-Independent
    It was after spring break and I wanted to get a job sooner or later, so I asked my friend if there was an opening at the restaurant she worked at. She said there was another hostess job available so after talking about it with my mom, I agreed to start training there. I was really nervous the first few days, especially when working on my own, but then after a month of working, I felt more comfortable with doing my job.
  • Volunteered at Dever Elementary- Caring

    Volunteered at Dever Elementary- Caring
    During the summer I wanted to do some volunteer work. My mom was doing this art program for 4-5th graders at the school she works at, so she thought it would be a great idea if my brother and I did some volunteer hours and I ended up loving it. I loved working with these children and had fun helping out and watching over them.
  • Friendships at Taft- Social

    Friendships at Taft- Social
    It was the beginning of my sophomore year and I was so nervous coming into that year with no friends, but I kept reminding myself just to be confident and initiate conversations with people and if they aren't my real friends, there will be friends who I can trust and be comfortable with someday. I did end up making plenty of friends by just being myself and I've never felt happier finding people who like me for who I am.