Personal Identity Digital Timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on September 1, 2006. I am the only person in my family born in the fall. Everyone else, my dad, mom, and sister were born in Spring. from what everyone tells me, I was a really fussy baby.
  • Sister's Birth

    Sister's Birth
    My sister was born in 2011, she is five years younger than me and is the total opposite of me. She was very obedient and calm.
  • First Zoo Visit

    First Zoo Visit
    My first zoo visit is probably my favorite memory of my childhood. I remember being really scared, which you can tell by the picture, but it was fun,
  • Moving to Chicago

    Moving to Chicago
    In 2014, everything changed for my family because we moved to Chicago, and it wasn't subtle at all. I feel the change in the atmosphere and I still do to this day.
  • First Day of School in Chicago

    First Day of School in Chicago
    So, I began in 3rd grade, and this was super stressful for me because I had no idea how to speak English, I just had to let body language guide me. I had to depend on other people who spoke my language to help me, which they did, but it's never a good feeling having to depend on someone,
  • Empathetic

    I tend to bee to empathetic sometimes. I just care enough that I sometimes ignore my own feelings and focus others. I always make sure to appreciate that, but sometimes it can be exhausting.
  • Making Friends

    Making Friends
    Around the beginning of 4th grade, I started genuinely getting better at speaking English and I began making friends and connecting to America.
  • First Visit to Serbia Since I Moved

    First Visit to Serbia Since I Moved
    I felt so overwhelmed coming to Serbia for the fist time since I moved. I was excited, but definitely nervous because when I moved, I had to break out of some habits I used to take because it was such a drastic change. However, I ended up loving it and recognizing the peace it brought me, so now I go every summer.
  • Risk-Taker

    So, I do consider myself a risk-taker because I don't just take risks, I enjoy taking risks. For instance, the first time traveled to Europe, I traveled alone at 12.
  • Authentic

    I am very authentic because I believe it's an honorable trait and important. It's not easy to be real and genuine, so I really appreciate people who are. I try be because I've learned it's the best policy.
  • Imaginative

    I like to fantasize and live in an imaginative world, I don't prefer reality, which sounds a bit odd, but I like being creative and intentive.
  • Charismatic

    My mom always tells me I'm very charismatic and when you meet me, you just immediately fall for the charisma. She tells me I'm very fun to be around, which I appreciate and hope it is that way.
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    Funny enough, I graduated online, I didn't get to do any of the activities graduates would usually get to do. I just received my diploma and moved on.
  • Start of High School

    Start of High School
    So, I spent my entire Freshman year at home, in front of a computer. I actually have never seen the Freshman campus in person, which is a bit sad, but plan to eventually. The beginning was tough, everything was new and more serious.
  • Independent

    This is my number one goal in life. I don't want t depend on anyone when it comes to my life. Later in life, I want t be able to provide for myself and the people important to me. I don't want anyone doing it for me,
  • Patriotic

    I am probably too patriotic, I have so much love for my country and where I come from. It's probably one of the first things my friends noticed about me.
  • Ignorant

    With all the good traits, there are some that aren't the best. I have a tendency to be ignorant of really anything, and it's not because I don't care, I just sometimes don't want to hear other people out.
  • First actual day at Taft

    First actual day at Taft
    Sophomore year went really well and easy for me. However, I think it was really chaotic due to all the traffic in the hallways, it still is, but I'm used to it now. I prefer my Sophomore year more than any other so far.
  • Thankful

    I am very thankful for my family and friends the most. I wouldn't be able to do half of things today without them. My friends help me stay sane sometimes. My family provides for me the things I can't by myself.
  • Ambitious

    I have very high goals and just things I want to achieve by a certain time period. I just like having goals and the ability to reach them