Personal History Timeline

  • I was Born

    I was Born
    I was born on at 8:08 am on a Thursday. My mom gave birth to me at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. I was born a few hours after my cousin.
  • My First Injury

    My First Injury
    The day I had my first injury my aunt was taking care of me and my siblings because my mom had to go to work. I was about 9 months old and my aunt decided to give me a bath. She forgot to turn the hot water off at the same time and ended up burning me. I had 2nd degree burns.
  • Burning Myself on the Fireplace

    Burning Myself on the Fireplace
    I was around 2 years old when I started sitting to close to the fireplace and would burn myself. This happened a couple times that a family friend gave my mom a burn kit. I always burned myself on the same arm too, i'm not exactly sure how this happened.
  • My Sister had Surgery

    My Sister had Surgery
    My older sister was about 11 years old when they found out she had to get surgery on her legs because she couldn't walk properly. She spent months in bed and then a few more in a wheelchair. Me and my siblings would spend a lot of time with family and friends so that my mom could take care of her.
  • My 4th Birthday

    My 4th Birthday
    For my 4th birthday we just celebrated with family and my brothers best friend. I remember this like it was yesterday, I had this tiny pinata that his best friend ended up breaking. She also took home most of the candy and its a funny memory we laugh about to this day.
  • I Moved For The First Time

    I Moved For The First Time
    My family had lost the house and we had to move. We moved from Saratoga Springs to Eagle Mountain, which is just on the other side of the mountain. It was the first time I had ever moved.
  • I Entered Kindergarten

    I Entered Kindergarten
    I was super excited to go to school for the first time after seeing all my siblings go. Kindergarten was a year of new friends and learning new things. I loved kindergarten and all the fun memories that I made.
  • We Moved Again

    We Moved Again
    We had moved again from Eagle Mountain back to Saratoga Springs. We lived in this house for another two years. We moved about a month before school got out for the year and I wasn't able to attend my kindergarten graduation.
  • Baby Cousin was Born

    Baby Cousin was Born
    My baby cousin was in December and it was the first time I ever held a baby. She was an exciting new addition to our family. We were all so excited and even more when we thought she was going to be born on Christmas.
  • Moved to Taylorsville

    Moved to Taylorsville
    We moved to Taylorsville and lived in this house for about 6 years. Moving this time was probably one of the best things my parents decided. I was able to go to a new school and make new friends.
  • Learned How to Swim

    Learned How to Swim
    I was in 4th grade when my mom decided to put me into swimming lessons. It was an exciting accomplishment for me. I'm the only one in my family who actually knows how to swim.
  • Went to Universal Studios

    Went to Universal Studios
    I went to universal with my family for the first time during the summer of 2015. It was an exciting road trip with my cousins and siblings. We have lots of jokes and stories about this trip that we laugh about all the time.
  • Parents got Divorced

    Parents got Divorced
    My Parents got divorced about a month before school got out that year and it was all a surprise to me. It wasn't that hard at first because I was distracted all summer. Later in the year is when it started to hit and difficult to process.
  • Online School

    Online School
    My 7th grade year my mom decided that I should try online school. It was hard to adapt to it the first few months, but I later got the hang of it. I ended up going back the next year because I wanted to try out actually going to middle school.
  • Started having Anxiety Attacks

    Started having Anxiety Attacks
    At the beginning of 2018 I started to deal with anxiety. It was something I had been dealing with for awhile but didn't start to recognize until a few months into 2018. Its something new that I had to learn to deal with every single day.
  • My Sister Got Married

    My Sister Got Married
    The end of summer 2019 my sister got married. She is the first one in the family to get married and move out. Its a fun and happy thing but also sad because she wasn't home all the time.
  • My Nephew was born

    My Nephew was born
    In May of 2020 my nephew was born. He was the first grandchild in our family. Its fun and exciting being an aunt for the first time.