Personal History Timeline

  • Birth

    On April 10th at 11:28 pm I was born in a Utah hospital. An interesting fact about my birth was that my aunt and uncle had just arrived in the United States 20 minutes after I was born. I was also born around one year after my mother was approved for immigration.
  • Aunties

    In 2006 some of my other aunties and uncles had their immigration approved and moved here. Though a lot of them moved to the US later on most of them are working and own multiple cars and houses now. For some reason immigration takes a long time to approve were still waiting on a few people.
  • Grandpa

    My grandfather died in the year 2007 its really sad but I wasn't sure what else to put. I didn't get to know this man personally but I was told he took care of me a lot and made some of my baby clothes. He was my mothers father so it was tough on her but all is well now.
  • Fish tank

    In 2008 my parents got a very large fish tank and we had like 10 fish in there. The fish actually weren't tat vibrant and were pretty boring but I liked it anyways. Sadly we don't have the fish tank anymore but it had a lot of good memories
  • Tracy's Birth

    Tracy's Birth
    On March 25th at 3:08 am my little sister Tracy was born. A few things about my little sister are that she really enjoys sweets and deserts. She is also very oddly tall and has an obsession with pandas.
  • Kindergarden

    Though my first day of kindergarden may have been in 2011 instead of 2010 i'm going to keep it here cause i don't remember. I went into kindergarden without knowing english at all so I had a very hard time. I was also confused as to why a lot of the other children were crying but I understand now as I almost cried my first day at itineris.
  • Terry's Birth

    Terry's Birth
    On January 15th my little sister Terry was born. A few things about her are that she really likes art and drawing. She has an obsession with an animal as well but it is a penguin.
  • First time on an airplane

    My first time flying on an airplane was to go to California. I actually did not go on this trip with my parents though, I was traveling with my cousins. In my time in California I went to universal studios for the first time though I do not remember much of it.
  • Buns

    In 2013 I got my first bunny, I beleive I named it buns, she was a white rabbit and she was fairly large. I don't remember when we gave her away but I miss her. We weren't able to keep her anymore because we didn't have anymore room.
  • First out of country trip

    First out of country trip
    My first time out of country was to china to visit relatives. The flight ended up being around 17+ hours in total. We had a layover in LA then flew straight to china but because they lived in a small town we needed to taxi the rest of the way.
  • Turtle

    In 2015 we got 2 turtles we didn't end up naming them but they were very small and super cute. We ended up giving them to my cousins though because they had a larger tank and more room to keep them. One of them did end up dying but the other one is still alive and well.
  • Moms citizenship

    In 2016 my mom got her american citizenship after she studied really hard for it. I'm still super proud of her for getting it because I was told it was pretty hard. My father on the other hand still hasn't gotten it because he wanted to wait until he qualifies for an interpreter, which this year he does!
  • Middle school

    In 2017 I started my first year in middle school and I was a very shy and reserved person. I did think I was going to have trouble making friends but I fit into a lot of friend groups. I'm not sure if it was just bad influence but freshman year I definitely was not a good person.
  • National parks

    National parks
    2018 was the year I went to my first national park before that I haven't really gone out much. I did actually go to multiple parks that year. The list includes yellow stone national park, arches national park, and also lake powell!
  • High school

    Though I didn't really start going to a high school this was the year my freshman year did start. This year wasn't any different from the others except credits started to count. i'll be honest that year I was really going though it and failed a few of them.