I turn 20
I will follow healthy diet and healthy lifestyle to live my life to the fullest and prevent diseases, some things I will do are:
-getting at least 8 hours of sleep
-cut out some sugar, not all but the majority
-exercise at least 1 hour per day, gym every morning
-I will decide not to drink or smoke because addiction runs in my family and I don't want to risk it -
20s continued...
-I will have a check up every 2 years just to be safe
-I will also regularly visit the gynecologist
-I will go to the dentist every 6 months or year
-I will be aware of my sexual health and mental health and keep them balanced -
I turn 30
The 30s are where I will probably be thinking about children and my metabolism will slow down so healthy routines are important, again more things I would do are:
-continuing the exercise (1 hour per day) and healthy diet
-still no smoking, and moderate or no drinking
-I will start taking better care of my skin by wearing moisturizers, and preventing skin cancer
-I will get a vision/breast/dental exam still continuing from 20s -
I turn 40
The 40s are mostly about preventing diseases like cancer since my body will be getting older...
-I will continue to follow a healthy diet and exercise routine
-I will be more aware of chronic pain and real long term problems
-I might want to get tested/be aware of the cancers and diseases in my family
-I am going to focus on my mental health
-I will still follow the routine of vision/dental/breast/regular exam
-I would test for more in depth problems like low blood pressure or cholesterol -
I turn 50
My 50s are where my life will slow down a little bit but I will try to prevent any real problems...
-I will continue my healthy diet but maybe slow down on the exercise not too much, but just to be careful
-I will start menopause so diet is important in keeping a healthy body weight
-My mom has low blood pressure so I will work to get mine up but not too high
-I will be aware of my diseases and work to reduce the symptoms
-I will continue the regular exams that I did in earlier decades -
I turn 60
In the 60s time starts to really slow down and so does body function but in order to stay healthy I will...
-take it slow and watch out for warning signs of heart diseases and strokes
-I will continue my healthy routine of diet and exercise but like the 50s slow the running to walking but still 60 minutes
-I will test regularly for elderly associated problems
-I will be careful to reduce accidents and learn personal CPR just in case I'm ever in trouble alone