Graduate from College (Master's Degree)
After 5 years of college, I will graduate with a Master's Degree in Finance. I will have done multiple study abroads, a few internships, and will have learned many things through my classes that will help my career. -
First Post-College Job
I will use my experiences and network to obtain a job offer with good potential for upward movement, fair pay, and quality benefits. I will be working in the field that I obtain my degree in and will have a few choices of where to go. -
Get Married
By this time in life, I will likely have found a girl with a great personality that I can see myself spending the rest of my life with. I will likely have met her at some sort of networking event unless she is a former colleague. -
Job Switch
After five years of experience, I will find an opportunity to move up the ladder. Hopefully, this will be via promotion inside my company, but it may require me to leave the company and take my talents elsewhere. -
Have First Child
Being in a secure job for over a year, having built up savings and relationships with my coworkers, I will have the money to make a huge financial investment. Children are very expensive, and I will be able to handle the costs. -
Have Second Child
By this time, my first child will be old enough to the point where taking care of another kid will be doable. I will have enough money to do this, as my job will pay well and have benefits. -
At this time, it would be wise to move to a new house in the suburbs, where it would be much easier to raise children and the school systems are much better. If this requires my family moving to another city entirely, that is perfectly fine. -
Send First Child to College
My first child will be going to college and moving out of the house, to be followed by their sibling about two years later. This makes things more expensive, but will free my schedule and reduce stress greatly. I will stress to them the importance of doing something where you can make money. -
Both Kids Graduate From College
Both of my kids will have Bachelor's Degrees or more at this point, so I will be helping them pay student loans (to build their credit) and any costs for further education at this point. -
I will likely love my career, but my retirement date will easily be set back or forward based on my health, my involvement in my children's families, and if my friends or wife are also retired or have free time. I will likely also take up a hobby, such as politics, philanthropy, or golf.