Born at St. Mary's Hospital in Evansville, IN. -
Sold Boat
We sold our Crownline boat for around 15-18 thousand dollars. -
New Pet
New female cat named Dinah. -
Mom Bought New Car
She bought a Chevy Tracker. -
Mom Got a New Job
She started working at Bob's Gym teaching group exercise. -
Home Renovations
Got kitchen and garden renovated. -
Sold House
Sold for around $180,000 -
Bought New House
Bought for around $110,000. -
Inhouse Nanny
Cost around $100 a day, 5 days a week. -
Bought New House
Bought for around $130,000. -
Mom Quit Job
She quit the job at Bob's Gym. -
Mom Got a New Job
She got a job at Flanders Electric. -
Bought New House
Sold and Bought New House
Got Admitted In The Hospital
I was in for a week for Pneumonia and Croup. -
Spending Habits and Money Values
I usually save up to buy something I want or I will spend some of the money going shopping. I try to spend half of my money and save half of my money. -
Financial Status- Job (now)
Do I have a job? No, but I am planning on getting one when im 16 or as soon as I can. -
Future Status- Transportation
When I'm around 16 and a half my family is giving me a car for my birthday and I will save up for a better car to buy in a couple of years. -
Future Status- Housing
When i turn 18 (February 4, 2019) I plan to rent an apartment and while I'm there I will save up for a house. -
Future Status- Pets
I plan on having some cats, a pig and 2 dogs. -
Financial Goal- Vacation
I will be going to Puerto Rico in Mexico for my 25th birthday. -
Future Status- Children
I plan on having 2-5 kkids with my husband. Around this time.