Personal Engineering Timeline

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born July 11, 2001 and a lot of engineering developed
  • iPhone 1

    iPhone 1
    This was they first generation iPhone. There had been iPods, but this was a new innovation where calling was available and allowed for better cameras.
  • iPhone 3G

    iPhone 3G
    This is a complete update from the first iphone. It moves fast for twice the price. It has new features with a new price. It has 3G data, navigation, and you can look at your email.
  • iPhone 4s

    iPhone 4s
    After the 3G became were were two other generations. The 4S is more well known. This is when Siri came one. Siri was a voice you could talk to fro guidance, navigation and any questions you had. By pushing the Home Button down you could talk into the microphone and she would respond with an answer.
  • iPhone 7

    iPhone 7
    After a lot of years of producing different generations of phones, they came up with the newest one. This phone has Siri but instead of holding down the button you just say "Siri,"better camera, a finger print to unlock your phone for better security