• The Birth

    The Birth
    I was born in Chicago, Illinois.
  • The Asia on Argyle - Vietnamese

    The Asia on Argyle - Vietnamese
    I used to go to Asia on Argyle with my parents because it's where we can buy our groceries because it's the nearest place that sells Vietnamese groceries, and my mom isn't very fond with "American" food.
  • The Tooth Fairy - Curious

    The Tooth Fairy - Curious
    I think a family friend once told me about the Tooth Fairy and how she will take my tooth and put money under my pillow. This made me curious about the Tooth Fairy's existence, so I put my tooth under my pillow and slept. My tooth was still there the next morning.
  • The South-East Asia Center

    The South-East Asia Center
    I first went to daycare around this time. All I remember is not being able to sleep and getting bored during nap time. And, accidentally taking a few toys from the daycare.
  • The Moving

    The Moving
    We starting moving around this time. My family had to move from Shoreline Park to Edgebrook because we knew that we will run out of room in our apartment because my sister was going to be born in a few months.
  • The Younger Sister

    The Younger Sister
    The day I became an older sister, but I wanted a younger brother.
  • The Kindergarten

    The Kindergarten
    I went to William C. Goudy Public School when I was in Kindergarten.
  • The New School - Shy

    The New School - Shy
    When we moved, I had to go to Edgebrook Elementary School when I was in 1st Grade. It took me awhile to get used to it because we moved away from the closest Vietnamese community and old friends. Since I didn't know anyone in the neighborhood, I was really shy.
  • The Last Christmas Gift - Skeptical

    The Last Christmas Gift - Skeptical
    I used to believe that Santa was real. When I opened my gift on Christmas Day, I stared at a card that was written by "Santa." While staring at it, I noticed that "Santa" had the same handwriting as my dad and put two and two together. I never trusted a fairytale ever again.
  • The Sports - Competitive

    The Sports - Competitive
    During that time, I joined the cross country team, the basketball team, and the soccer team. I was most competitive during the soccer games than I would be in cross country and basketball because soccer was the sport that I enjoyed the most.
  • The Scar - Clumsy

    The Scar - Clumsy
    While grabbing some stuff from my locker, I accidentally hit my hand against something sharp, injuring my hand. It left a scar that lasted for a long time. It's still there but really faded.
  • The Flu

    The Flu
    In 7th grade, we had to work with the Kindergartners. One of the Kindergartners got one of my classmates sick and then it spread. Almost half of the grade got sick. I remember we joked about how we had stronger immune systems than the students that had gotten sick.
  • The Spring Vacation - Persistent

    The Spring Vacation - Persistent
    During Spring Break, my family went to Hawaii for vacation. I couldn't really enjoy it because I got really sick. Since I was stubborn and wanted to make the most of it, I refused to rest throughout our stay at Hawaii.
  • The "Wedding"

    The "Wedding"
    One of my classmates invited me to his "wedding" (he was going to "marry" Sophie Turner). The "wedding" took place in the Social Studies classroom (the teacher lent it to us and was the rabbi). One of my favorite moments during that year.
  • The Last Day

    The Last Day
    This was our last day of in-person learning before quarantine. We thought it would last for a few weeks, but it kept getting extended until they told us that we would be in quarantine for the rest of the school year.
  • The High School

    The High School
    It was my first day as a Freshman in Taft High School. We did the whole year remotely.
  • The Return of In-Person Learning

    The Return of In-Person Learning
    It was our first time back from remote-learning. It felt kind of weird to be back from quarantine. I do remember getting lost in the hallways.
  • The Pi - Talkative

    The Pi - Talkative
    We ate pie on Pi Day during Algebra class. My group table was really talkative that day. One of them even hurt her hand because she was slamming her hand on the table from laughing. I think we were talking about movies.
  • The Sketch - Artistic

    The Sketch - Artistic
    I like to sketch in my free time. I usually sit down with a sketchbook and just start sketching random things.
  • The Clutter - Disorganized

    The Clutter - Disorganized
    My desk is very cluttered because I always throw my stuff on there. I do clean my desk once a week, so it's not messy all the time.