
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The reason why the American Revolution happend was because an epic political and military struggled.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Declaration of Independence is the main business of government is to protect rights.
  • The US Constitution

    The US Constitution
    The US constitution are checks and balances, federalism, limit of government.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    Whiskey Rebellion was a violent tax protest in the United States while George Washington.
  • Louisiana purchase

    Louisiana purchase
    The Louisiana purchase is where the encompassed 530,000,000 acres of territory
  • American Civil War beginning

    American Civil War beginning
    The reason why the American Civil War happend was because there were disagreements on slavery, States vs federal rights, of the election of Abraham Lincoln.
  • Abraham Lincoln is assassinated

    Abraham Lincoln is assassinated
    The reason why Abraham Lincoln was assassinated was because people were so against the idea of equality.
  • Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone
    The reason why Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone was because his patan and demonstration for an apparatus design for transmitting vocal or other sounds telegraphically.
  • Thomas Edison perfects the lightbulb

    Thomas Edison perfects the lightbulb
    Thomas Edison was not the only person who invented the lightbulb, he had help from Joseph Swan, Alessandro, Humphrey Davy.
  • The Wright Brothers invent the airplane

    The Wright Brothers invent the airplane
    Wilbur and Orville Wright spent four years of research and development.
  • World war I

    World war I
    The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) was the main catalyst for the start of the Great War (World War I)
  • Great Depression begins

    Great Depression begins
    When the Great Depression a series of financial crises punctuated the contraction.
  • World War II begins

    World War II begins
    The Soviet Union and China are believed to have suffered the most total casualties, while an estimated 5,800,000 Poles died, which represents about 20 percent of Poland's prewar population. About 4,200,000 Germans died, and about 1,972,000 Japanese died. In all, the scale of human losses during World War II was vast.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor began at 7:55 that morning. The entire attack took only one hour and 15 minutes.
  • D-Day

    The beaches were given the code names UTAH, OMAHA, GOLD, JUNO, and SWORD. The invasion force included 7,000 ships and landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from eight allied countries. Almost 133,000 troops from the United States, the British Commonwealth, and their allies, landed on D-Day.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki/WWII

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki/WWII
    The two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of people.
  • JFK attack

    JFK attack
    November 22, 1963 12:30 p.m. John F. Kennedy was hit by a 6.5×52mm Italian Carcano M91/38 rifle (Kennedy) .38 cal Smith & Wesson revolver (Tippit) the person who died was John F. Kennedy.
  • 9/11 attack

    9/11 attack
    The attacks killed 2,977 people from 93 nations: 2,753 people were killed in New York; 184 people were killed at the Pentagon; and 40 people were killed on Flight 93.