Persecution of jews

  • Carl Gartig

    Carl Gartig
    Carl was arrested and imprisoned because he posted anti nazi material
  • Civil service law

    Civil service law
    This law removed jews from universities and government jobs which is unfair because if someones a different race they can’t go to higher schools that's not fair.
  • Education law

    Education law
    This law says that no more than 5% of people in a school can be jewish which is also not fair because they are discriminating against jewish people by only letting 5% of them in a school.
  • Press censorship Law

    Press censorship Law
    This law states that the news reporters can't be jewish because the way they spread propaganda was through the newspaper so if they let a jew do it he could have spread what was really going on
  • Law for the protection of german blood and honor

    Law for the protection of german blood and honor
    This law is that jews cant marry non jews which is unfair towards jew because if they love someone and they love them back you shouldn't break them apart because of their religion.
  • Massmurder begins at Chelmno

    Massmurder begins at Chelmno
    To carry out the mass murder of Europe's Jews, the SS established killing centers devoted exclusively or primarily to the destruction of human beings in gas chambers. Chelmno was among these killing centers. This shows persecution towards the jews because they were killed or sent to chelmno because of their beliefs.
  • Operation reinhard begins

    Operation reinhard begins
    Operation Reinhard was the code name for murdering about 2 million Jews in German-occupied Poland. The Nazis began planning the operation in 1941. It was named after Reinhard Heydrich, the leader of the office responsible for organizing murders and cases. He was later assassinated in 1942. This shows persecution towards jews because they organized murders and cases against jews.
  • Announcement of death penalty for aiding jews

    Announcement of death penalty for aiding jews
    This law kills anyone who is hiding and caring for jews and this is unfair towards jews because if someone cares for someone that u dont u shouldnt kill them for it
  • Danish jews begin escape

    Danish jews begin escape
    Approximately 7,200 Danish Jews escape to Sweden with the help of the Danish resistance movement and many individual Danish citizens.
  • Germany Occupies Hungary

    Germany Occupies Hungary
    Nazis deported a bunch of people out of hungary including jews.
  • German forces surrender

    German forces surrender
    The day the germans lost the war And it doesnt show persecution against the jews but it shows there freedom after hitler committed suicide