Persecution of Jews

By Josue r
  • Boycott of Jewish businesses

    Boycott of Jewish businesses
    Less than 3 months after coming to power in Germany, the Nazi leadership staged an economic boycott targeting Jewish-owned businesses and the offices of Jewish professionals. This shows persecution against jews because nazi would target jew businesses.
  • Education Law

    Education Law
    The law stated that Jewish students could be no more than 5% of the student population of any public school or university.It shows persecution to Jews cause They wouldn't let more than 5% Jews at any school.
  • Law for the protection of german blood and honor

    Law for the protection of german blood and honor
    People who are Jewish can only marry Jews.They can't marry anybody that is not a Jew.This shows persecution against jews because they didn't have rights to date anybody they wanted
  • Evian conference on refugees

    Evian conference on refugees
    Jews from Europe were trying to immigrate to other countries. Leaders from 32 countries met to discuss whether they should admit the refugees. Some said they would allow them in while others said no. it shows persecution because they were deciding if they should let jews immigrate in europe countries
  • Jewish name law

    Jewish name law
    This law required that Jews that did not have Jewish first names to take the middle names Israel (For men) and Sara (For women). This show persecution because they didn't have rights to have a name that isn't considered jewish
  • Kristallnacht attacks

    Kristallnacht attacks
    The German Government declared an attack on Jewish Businesses, homes, and synagogues. 30,000 jews men and boys were arrested and sent to concentration camps. This shows persecution because Jews were getting arrested for no reason.
  • Anti-Jewish Economy law

    Anti-Jewish Economy law
    This Law gave a lot of businesses from jews and gave the businesses to other people so jews had no way of making a lot of money fast. This shows persecution cause nazis would give away jew businesses so they couldn't make money.
  • First Kindertransport arrives

    First Kindertransport arrives
    Kindertransport children sent to Great Britain were generally safe during world war 2 but children sent to western Europe were in danger again when Nazi Germany invaded those countries in 1940. This shows persecution because Jewish kids were getting sent to countries that were getting invaded by nazi and was put in danger
  • Jewish badge Introduced in Germany

     Jewish badge Introduced in Germany
    Jews were forced to wear the “Yellow Star of David” on all of their clothing to identify as a Jew. This shows that jews did not have rights to wear what they want
  • Mass murder begins at chelmno

    Mass murder begins at chelmno
    To carry out the mass murder of Europe's Jews, the SS established killing centers devoted exclusively or primarily to the destruction of human beings in gas chambers. Chelmno was among these killing centers. This shows persecution against jews because they would send them to killing camps and kill them with gas