Persecution of Jewish People

  • Start of Jewish removal

    Jewish removed from public office. School taught Jewish as Untermensch. April 1, boycott of Jewish shops. Jewish shops were vandalised
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Laws added, removing Jewish rights. A Jew was defined as anyone with 2 or more Jewish grandparents. Germans were anyone with 4 or more German grandparents. Jewish were denied German citizenship. Marriage between the rivals became illegal.
  • Bans being added.

    Jewish are banned from becoming doctors. Carry an identity card, with a "J" stamp. Jewish are denied education, and banned from school. Jewish man add Israel, and women add Sarah to their Jewish name. November 8, Kristallnacht occurred, destroying Jewish stores, synagogue's etc.
  • Jewish ghettoes

    Jewish people were banned from owning business. First ghettoes added, opened in the Eastern Europe, separating Jewish from others. 23 November 1939, Jews had to wear the star of David, to identify them.