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  • Apr 22, 962

    HRE unified

    Decentralized regions in Central Europe
  • Period: Apr 22, 1328 to Apr 23, 1453

    100 Years war

    France emerged victorious
  • Apr 22, 1350

    Dante and Van Eyke

    Influential writer and oil painter
  • Apr 22, 1400

    Iberian peninsula is divided

  • Apr 22, 1438

    Habsburg Reign

    No real power, only power the princes gave
  • Apr 22, 1453

    Fall of Byzantium

    Mehmed of the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople, Byzantium scholars moved to Italy
  • Apr 22, 1453

    Invention of the Printing press

    by Johann Gutenberg
  • Apr 22, 1454

    Peace of Lodi

    Balance of power in northern Italy
  • Period: Apr 22, 1455 to Apr 23, 1485

    War of the roses

    English financial turmoil after 100 year war. Emergence of the York (White Rose) and Lancaster (Red Rose)
  • Period: Apr 22, 1461 to Apr 23, 1483

    Louis XI reign

    Reform tax, increase trade, royal road, and post
  • Apr 22, 1462

    Ivan III the great stopped paying Mongols tribute

    Led foundation of centralized orthodox state
  • Apr 22, 1469

    Trastamara dynasty established

    Isabelle and Ferdinand belonged to this dynasty. Naples and Sicily was unified
  • Apr 22, 1472

    Dante's inferno

    Dante's inferno is published
  • Apr 22, 1478

    Papal bull permitted Spanish Inquisition

  • Period: Apr 22, 1485 to Apr 23, 1509

    Henry VII

    Red rose (Lancaster) emerged victorious. Henry VII marries Elizabeth of York and built Tudor dynasty
  • Apr 22, 1486

    Mirandola writes Oration on dignity of man

    "Manifesto of the renaissance", advocates individualism
  • Period: Apr 22, 1490 to Apr 23, 1527

    High renaissance

    Apogee of visual arts and the emergence of humanism
  • Apr 22, 1492

    Capture of Granada and Exploration of Columbus

    Spanish triumphs
  • Period: Apr 22, 1494 to Apr 23, 1559

    Italian wars

    War between Habsburg, Valois, and Italians, resulted in French defeat. Italian states were unable to form strong armies. Results in Treaty of Cateau - Cambrésis
  • Period: Apr 22, 1509 to Apr 23, 1547

    Henry VIII

  • Apr 22, 1512

    Michaelangelo decorates sistine chapel

  • Apr 22, 1512

    Navarre conquered by Spain

  • Apr 22, 1513

    Machiavelli writes the prince

  • Period: Apr 22, 1515 to Apr 23, 1547

    Francis I Brought Leonardo and Renaissance ideas to North

    Francis I was first Valois King. Sponsored exploration of Canada
  • Apr 22, 1516

    Concordat of Bologna

    Gave kings power to appoint clerics, Church power less than state power
  • Period: Apr 22, 1519 to Apr 23, 1556

    Reign of Charles I of Spain and V of HRE

    Heir to Habsburg/Valois
  • Period: Apr 22, 1520 to

    Mannerist art

    More stylized and less realistic art
  • Period: Apr 22, 1520 to Apr 23, 1566

    Suleiman the Magnificent

    Longest Reigning sultan
    Dominated the Eastern Mediterranean, made an Anti-habsburg alliance with France in 1526 because Spain had repeatedly defeated the Ottoman empire. Repulsed at Vienna in 1529. Powerful and conquered Africa till Algeria
  • Apr 22, 1527

    Sack of Rome by Charles I/V

    Marks the end of high renaissance
  • Period: Apr 22, 1533 to

    Ivan the Terrible

    First Tzar
    Brutally crushed the Boyars
  • Apr 22, 1540

    Jesuit order founded by Loyola

  • Apr 22, 1556

    Charles abdicated

    Phillip II ruled spain and was absolutist
    Ferdinand ruled the HRE
  • Apr 22, 1559

    Treaty of Cateau - Cambrésis

    Italian city states were dominated by Spain due to their failure in the Italian Wars
  • Apr 22, 1569

    Treaty of Lublin United Polish - Lithuania

  • Apr 22, 1570

    Sack of Novgorod

    Increase absolute power by getting rid of nobles
  • Apr 22, 1571

    Naval battle of Leponto

    Spanish (Phillip II) and ottomans
    Spanish won
  • Spanish Armada attacked England

    Phillip II was unsuccessful
  • Period: to

    Time of Troubles

    Famine in russia got rid of 1/3 population
    Invasion by Poland-Lithuania
    Power struggle end of rurik dynasty of Russia
  • Period: to


    part of catholic reformation, marked by Flamboyant art and radiant. Marks the Church's power. Notable composers during Baroque includes Bach and Handel
  • Michael Romanov established the Romanov Dynasty and ended time of troubles

  • Royal society

    The royal society consists of decorates, Boyle, and Newton
  • Period: to

    Charles II

    Last habsburg ruler of Spain
  • Siege of Vienna

    Fended off last Ottoman advances
  • Newton published Principia

    Discussed motion and Gravitation