Main leader: Judy Heumann
As an infant, Judy had polio and was not able to go to school with the other children because civil rights laws for people with disabilities were not created at that time.
She wanted to become a teacher, however she faced job discrimmination because she was in a wheel chair. Judy filed a law suit claiming she was being discriminated and finally was able to get her teachers certificate. This law suit was all over television and influenced her to create a group called Disabled in Action (DIA). -
Period: to
Disablilty Movement
Edward Verne Roberts
Roberts got polio at the age of 14. He was the first Berkely student to have a wheelchair, however he had difficulties entering because of discrimination and judgements on his disabilities.His major accomplishments were his help in founding two organizations. One was the Center for Independent Living which dealt with providing homes for the disabled. The other organization he founded was the World Institute on Disability which was created to help eliminate social barriers for the disabled. -
American Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities (ACCD)
This organizaiton was created when a group of disabled activists met and combined goals. This organization was made to better the lives of diabled in any way possible. In April 1973, members of the ACCD staged a demonstration in order to pass section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Later that year, the ACCD helped pass the Educatiojn for all Handicapped Children. -
U.S. Rehabilitation Act
The U.S. Rehabilitaion Act prohibits discrimination on the disabled in programs of federal agencies as well as programs recieing federal financial assistance and in federal employment. This act was signed by president Nixon on September 26, 1973, and is still in effect today. Since then, several amendments have been made to the act. In 1978, the act was amended so that now there are independent living services for older blind individuals. -
Passage of Public Law (individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was passed on October 3rd, 1975. This law required all schools to admit and serve the needs of disabled children. Schools were also required to evaluate children that were suspected of being disabled. The purpose of this was to protect the rights of children with disabilites, give them the education they deserve, and to give parents a voice in their children's education. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits private employers, state government, employment agencies, and labor unions from discriminating against individuals with disabilities. Public accommodations such as restaurants, hotels, and libraries are also prohibited from discriminating against the disabled. The act also had regulations on public transportation such as buses must be accessible to the disabled. -
Problems and goals they continue to fight for today
People with disabilities today continue to face biased assumptions, discrimination, social barriers, and stereotyping. The goals today are to continue awareness of the disabled and to give them more opportunities. -
Major Accomplishments
Some of the most influential accomplishments of the peoples with disabilities movement were passed by the ADA. Some of these major accomplishments include laws against discrimination in workplaces, and movements involving education for the disabled.