Paul Revere by Tucker

  • Paul Revere is born

    Paul Revere is born.
  • Period: to

    Paul Revere info

  • The French and Indian War starts

    The French and their Native American allies start a war against the British.
  • France fought England for a large area of America

    The Spy who Saw it All Pg. 5
    France battles England for the Ohio River Valley.
  • The French and Indian war ends

    The French sign the Treaty of Paris and give their land in North America to the British.
  • Paul Revere is angered by the Stamp Act

    The Spy Who Saw it All Pg. 9
    Paul Revere declares that the Stamp Act is unfair.
  • Paul Revere joins a group of Spies.

    Paul Revere's Deposition Pg. 310
    Paul Revere and 30 other patriots join together to form a group of spies.
  • Paul Revere Warns Adams and Hancock

    Paul Revere's Deposition Pg. 310
    Paul Revere rides to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British were going to arrest them.
  • Paul Revere rides to warn the towns of the British.

    Paul Revere's Ride Pg. 303
    Paul Revere is told that the British are attacking by sea, and he must warn everyone.
  • Paul Revere learns the British Plan

    Paul Revere's Deposition Pg. 310
    Paul Revere hears word that the British plan to attack Lexington and Concord and capture Samual Adams and John Hancock.
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is born

    Paul Revere's Ride Pg. 306
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is born on this day.
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow writes the poem, Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride Pg. 306
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow writes the poem about Paul Revere's ride to teach young children how he rode through Lexington and Concord to warn the colonists that the British were coming.