Day of birth
Birth to 1 year -
1 month to 1 year
Normally weighs 3.0-3.5 kg; head is 25% of total body weight, shorter airways, immature immune system, rapid breathing/heart rate Parent dependent, communicates by crying, allows parent to hold during assessment -
12-36 months of age
Has all primary teeth by 5, muscle mass increases, alveoli increase, brain develops rapidly along with motor skills; potty training at 28 months Language mastered at 36 months, separation anxiety 18 months -
School age child
6-12 years of age
Musculoskeletal system increases in density and grows larger, primary teeth are replaced with permanent ones, read and write Attend school and make friends, more interactive with adults, develop reasoning and problem solving skills, concept of self and self esteem and morals, understands pain, illness, and loss -
12-18 years
2-3 year growth spurt, muscle and bone growth complete by 18, puberty Family conflicts, want to be treated as adults, prefer privacy, develop identity, antisocial or self destructive behavior in early high school years, depression, concerns about body image -
Early adulthood
20-40 years
Peak physical conditioning is reached between 19 and 26 years, accidents are the leading cause of death Assume more responsibility and become more independent, develop relationships and begin families, childbirth common, finish school and establish careers -
Middle adulthood
41-60 years old
Body systems functioning at high level with varying degrees of degradation, more susceptible to chronic illnesses, cardiovascular health and cancer becomes an issue, vision and hearing loss, menopause Reach personal goals, delay seeking medical attention -
Late adulthood
61+ years
incidence of illness and disease increases with age, most body systems become less efficient Faces new challenges, reflect on lives, may feel isolated, ashamed to ask for help or assistance, can experiences death of their companion -