Patates amb allioli

  • Narang III dies without descendance

  • Period: to

    Civil War between Taplup and Galeta

  • Kingdom of Crosinia ceases to exist

  • Treaty of Botega

  • Period: to

    Urbanization and Industrialization of Adawa

  • Disolution of the AZU Union

  • RRC develops in Rasasa

  • Adawa & Rasasa join UN and adopt SICJ

  • Unofficial Roundtable on Helian Industry

  • Period: to

    Increase of Helian Exports and Employment

  • Creation of CHC

  • Grey becomes CEO of RRC

  • Joint Communiqué of CHC Heads of Gvnt

  • Rasasa accedes GATT

  • Adawa accedes GATT

  • Adawa & Rasasa join WTO

  • Adawa joins ICC

  • Grey appears on Forbes Magazine

  • HRW accuses Grey of supporting despotic regimes

  • Period: to

    Civil War in Garantia

  • Garantia refers situation to ICC prosecutor

  • Opening of Investigation at ICC involving Grey

  • Hurricane Makan & Crimes skyrocket

  • Tihmar meets with Gray and offers WALL project

  • Rasasan Gvnt joins RRC for R&D on WALL

  • Report released on technical development of WALL

  • Zeitounia + 3 others gradually leave WALL

  • WALL project is complete but no purchase yet

  • Rasasan Police alerts of Adawan organized groups

  • Tihmar requests high-level task force formation

  • Sharp decline in Rasasa's share of global Helian Mrkt

  • Pindro is elected with 58% votes

  • Pindro takes office

  • Pindro introduces proposal on Tariffs on imports of Helian raw materials

  • Pindro introduces proposal to harden Adawa/Rasasa border

  • Grey appointed Rasasan Minister of Foreign Affairs

  • Rasasan Police alerts of Adawan organized militia

  • UNODC reports of Adawan well-armed militia

  • Militia kills 21 police officers and would 9

  • Pindro deploys Rasasan Army & purchases WALL

  • Parliament approval of Pindro's Tariffs

  • Rasasan Police deploys hotline

  • Joint Task Force acknowledges deterring effect of WALL

  • Complete installation of the WALL

  • Moraga condemns Rasasa's deployment

  • Adawa deploys unarmed human monitors

  • Adawa requests consultations at DSU-WTO level

  • ILSA reports Adawan farmers' lost revenues

  • Adawa requests application art. 6.2 DSU

  • Prosecutor ICC requests warrant of arrest for Gray

  • Gray visitis Adawa for CHC meeting

  • Pre-Trial Chamber ICC grants arrest warrant

  • Gray is arrested in Adawa

  • Rasasa rejects sucession of Adawa to Treaty of Botega

  • Adawan Ambassador submits application to ICJ

  • Recommendation to draft Statement of Facts