Happend in India

By R_A
  • Kangra Earthquake

    Earthquake in Kangra India,kills 20,000
  • Nehru Requests Independence

    Jawaharlal Nehru requests independence of India
  • Mother Teresa Arrives in India

    Mother Teresa Arrives in Calcutta to begin her work amongst

    India's poorest.
  • Dehli becomes the capital

    New Dehli becomes the capital of India
  • Earthquake

    8.4 earthquake in India/Nepal,10,700 die
  • Drown Storm

    5,000 drown in a storm at Ganges delt region in India
  • Indian Indepedce act

    King George VI signs Indian Independece Act
  • India's 1st President

    Constitution of independent India comes into effect; Rajendra Prasad elected India's first president
  • Jawaharlal Nehru becomes premier

    Jawaharlal Nehru becomes premier of India
  • Indian Jet Landed in the moon

    Indian Space Agency loses contact with its Chandrayaan-2 moon lander just 2 km from landing on the Moon's surface