Past Century Timeline

  • Prohibition

    Created the groundwork for modern liberalism, progressives had strong ideas of civil rights and social/moral reform.
  • Red Scare '20s

    Created fear among the American's of far-left extremism due to the October Revolution and anarchist bombings.
  • Great Depression

    President Hoover was shamed for not doing enough, Americans supported leaders who did more for the economy.
  • The Dust Bowl

    hurt the economy in the area for years after; government had to step up.
  • World War II

    This created an economic boom, increasing industry and industrial policy.
  • Holocaust

    Caused America to review immigration policy and military response.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Increased domestic unity and changed American attitudes of war and economy.
  • Cold War

    The Cold War showed Americans the harmful effects of communism.
  • Red Scare '50s

    Created a widespread fear of potential communism.
  • Space Race

    Created competition with Soviet Union, showed a country's technology, science, and economic capabilities.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Changed government forever; outlawed discrimination of African Americans and women.
  • Watergate

    Formation of more independent parties, pressure on democratic votes for a candidate that has good morals.
  • Vietnam War

    Battle between communists and anti-communists; increased disagreements to communism.
  • Iran-contra affair

    Political scandal, decreased trust in National Security Council.
  • Columbine shooting

    Opened American's eyes to gun violence issues, school security, and gun control.
  • 9-11

    Affected American's views of terrorists, leaned more towards a Republican approach to protection from terrorist attacks.
  • The War in Afghanistan

    Altered defense policy and foreign policy.
  • Iraq War

    Brought light to foreign policy, the army, and terrorism.
  • BLM riots

    Voices spoke out against racism, policy brutality, and police funding.
  • Covid pandemic

    Disagreements between healthcare, shut downs, vaccines, and closing boarders.