Parallel Timeline Assignment

  • James Miller Was Born

    James Miller was born on April 25th 1776 in Peterborough, New Hampshire. His parents were James Miller and Catharine Gregg.
  • James Miller Law Practice

    James Miller practiced law in Greenfield, New Hampshire from 1803-1808.
  • Miller joins the New Hampshire state militia

    Miller joined the New Hampshire state militia and was the leader of an artillery unit. He was then recommended to be commissioned as a Major in the regular army.
  • Miller infantry unit goes to fight

    Miller's unit went to Vincennes, Indiana where they were instructed to fight Indians. He was promoted to Colonel during his time fighting in Indiana.
  • Miller takes part in War of 1812

    James Miller was the hero of the Battle of Lundy's Lane. He was then promoted to the rank of brigadier general due to his heroic performance at the Battle of Lundy's Lane.
  • Miller appointed governor of Arkansas Territory

    James Miller is appointed as governor of Arkansas Territory on March 3, 1819. Since being appointed, he resigned from the army.
  • Miller arrives in Arkansas territory

    James Miller took the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers down to the new Arkansas territory to claim his job as mayor.
  • Warfare erupts in Arkansas

    Warfare between Osage and Cherokee Indian tribes erupt over territorial issues. Miller was the head of Indian affairs for the new territory.
  • Miller takes a summer break from Arkansas

    Miller leaves Arkansas during the summer to take a break and go see his wife back in New Hampshire. Many knew that Miller would be done with his job as governor soon.
  • Miller leaves Arkansas for good

    James Miller finally leaves his job in Arkansas to return to his wife in New Hampshire. Many speculated and guessed that Miller would not stay in Arkansas.
  • Miller elected to House of Representatives of New Hampshire

    In the fall of 1824, James Miller was elected and started serving as a member of the House of Representatives for the state of New Hampshire.
  • Miller officially resigns as governor

    In December of the year 1824, James Miller officially resigned as the governor of the Arkansas Territory.
  • Miller declines Congressional seat

    After resigning as governor of Arkansas, James Miller turned down the chance to be a congressmen for the state of New Hampshire.
  • Miller suffers a stroke

    James Miller suffers a stroke, but he survives but is left in not great shape.
  • James Miller passes

    James Miller passes away in the year 1851 after a very successful life.