roosevelt offers money
Panama is a province of Columbia. Roosevelt offered $10 million in cash and $250,000 a year in rent. all to build a canal through panama for easier transport of goods -
panama issues decalration of independence
panama issues a declaration of independence from columbia. Marines waited on gunboats at panama. U.S. senate ratified the treaty but the Columbian senate feared the loss of soverneighty, refused -
frenchmen act for panama
president roosevelt recognized the new panamanian junta. they signed the treaty giving U.S. permanent use of a 10 mile wide zone. they pay $10 million, and $250,000 a year to use it -
began to build
U.S, government begins to build a canal across Panama. Malaria and yellow fever were widespread. couldnt start any real work until the disease was controlled. many workers died from the diseases. -
bid complications
bid complications
the U.S. formally took control of the canal on this day. they got a lot of working tools and old buildings from when the french had left. the isthmian canal commision was built on this day to oversee all building of the canal -
yellow fever reduced
Gorgas had nearly wiped out all yellow fever. he also managed to reduce malaria in Panama. construction of the "Big Ditch" started. a lot less workers due to the yellow fever -
formally opened
http://www.history.com/shows/modern-marvels/videos/inside-the-panama-canal#on august 15, 1914 the canal was formally opened for the first time. it caused a severe drop of boat traffic along the chilean cost. the U.S, spent appoximately 375, 000, 000 to complete the canal which is equivalent to about 8, 600, 000, 000 now a days