The beginning of the Panama Canal
It all began, with Theodore Roosevelt’s promise to build a canal through Panama for the betterment of the trade industry. However, difficulty arose when columbia refused to allow Theodore Roosevelt to build the canal, but Teddy was not going to give up the fight. He decided either panama had to declare war against columbia or begin the process of declaring their independence. With the help of Theodore Roosevelt, Panama decided to begin their journey toward independence. -
the Nation of Panama was born
On this day Panama had declared independence without any conflict from Colombia. They were able to do this because the U.S sent Marines and gunboats to keep antigenic Colombians from reaching Panama City. The war was over by sundown and only a shopkeeper and a donkey were injured because of the precautions taken by the U.S. Therefore, Panama was now independent. -
Panama signed a treaty with the U.S
On November 18th, the U.S signed a treaty with panama. This treaty allowed the U.S to have possession over 500 square miles of land. In exchange, they were to be given 250,000 dollars every year, starting nine years later. And so began the construction of the Panama Canal. -
The U.S. arrives in the Panama
People began coming from all over the U.S, places such as San Diego, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Charlotte, to work as mechanical engineers or cash clerks. Many college students even transferred to Panama to help with the construction of the canal. Theses students were mostly male students, that built there own houses on the sides of the Panama Canal construction. They did this so that they could hop on the trains to get to work and back home. -
The Struggles throughout the building process of the Panama Canal
Though the progress started off well, diseases began spreading ramped through out the area. Malaria, Yellow fever, and bubonic plague took the lives of 6,000 workers and many more fled back to their homes in fear of catching these diseases. Then to make things even worse, the machinery began to break down because of mudslides. Also, many of the explosions used to create tunnels would knock the machinery and not only break the machinery but also kill many of the workers. -
Teddy Roosevelt visits Panama & The wipe out of Yellow Fever
The wipe out of Yellow Fever On November 11, 1904 Theodore Roosevelt comes to Panama to see for himself the conditions panama is in. What he finds is that the workers are in terrible conditions because of the disease that are coming from the mosquitoes. So Roosevelt brings in a man to kill the majority of the mosquitoes in the area. In the end this stops the diseases from continuing spread. -
The Panama Canal finally opens
After 10 years of strenuous labor the Panama Canal Opened. Thousdnads of peopole came from all around to see the grand opening. Not long after the opening, the Panama Canal was used for trading goods, and became a vital part to the trade industry. -
Works Cited
Website Title: PBS
Article Title: American Experience: TV's most-watched history series.
Publisher: PBS
Date Accessed: December 06, 2014 Website Title: American History USA
Article Title: The Building of the Panama Canal
Date Accessed: December 05, 2014 -
Verse Reflection
This verse reflects what happened in Panama to the Panama Canal. Because God made the Panama canal great and then destroyed it by allowing yellow fever and malaria to strike. God also allowed the trains and the machinery to break down and cause finacial problems. However, God then stopped the yellow fever by having men kill the mosquitos and the Panama Canal was finished which made Panama a great nation.