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Panama Canal

  • Roosevelt

    -Panama was the province of Columbia in 1821.
    -Teddy.R offered 10 million dollars to build a canal through Panama.
    -It was needed because it would improve global trade and defend overseas nations.
    -Colombia denied the offer.
  • Revolt

    -The U.S secretly told Panama if the revolted that they would help and in return they give them Isthmus.
    -Panama agreed and rose up and fought for Independence rebelling against Spanish rule.
    -U.S Marines came into Colon to help secure Colombia troops.
    -Americans were alarmed criticizing Roosevelt's "gunboat diplomacy.
  • Panama Treaty

    Panama Treaty
    -The U.S immediately recognized the independent Republic of Panama.
    -Three days later Panama signed a Treaty giving the U.S control of the Isthmus of Panama.
    -The U.S made a 2nd offer.
    -The U.S greed to pay 10 million dollars pus $250,000 a year for rent.
  • Construction of Panama

    Construction of Panama
    -The U.S began to construct a canal across Panama.
    -Many trials were faced including engineering problems and diseases.
    -Malaria and yellow fever from mosquitoes spread and work was delayed until they were controlled.
    -William C.Gorgas took up the problem with his plan including brush clearing and draining the swamps.
    -By 1906 Gorgas wiped out yellow fever and reduced malaria in Panama.
  • Building Struggles

    Building Struggles
    -Not only were diseases a challenge but building was also tough.
    -The Continental divide was a rough rocky barrier reaching over 100 meters high.
    -Steam shovels had to be brought in to cut through and dubbed the "Culebra Cut".
    -Engineers, African A, and foreigners worked.
    -The U.S also had to dam a river and erect the canal's giant locks making the workers exhausted after a long day of work, more than 6,000 people lost their lives,
    -Eventually after 10 years of hard work the canal was complete.
  • Roosevelts Visit

    Roosevelts Visit
    • Teddy Roosevelt took a 17 day visit to the canal in Panama. -Roosevelt became the first president to make a diplomatic tour outside continental U.S. -Roosevelt went to check out the progress on the canal. -Once Roosevelt evaluate the progress and saw to poor conditions he pushed for improvements.
  • The Opening

    The Opening
    -The Panama Canal officially opens.
    -Toll cost was 90cents per cargo ton,
    -Symbolized U.S technological prowess and economic power.
    -Ships had a shorter route from Atlantic to Pacific.
  • Canal used for War

    Canal used for War
    -The Panama was used to send products for the U.S during the Korean and Vietnam war.
    -Boats not only transported goods through the canal but also soldiers were sent to fight overseas.
    -About 15,00 ships went through the canal during the Vietnam War.
  • Tolls

    -The wage to go through the canal was raised to $1.08 per ton
    -Queen Elizabeth would pay the most expensive toll for $42,077.88 a year after tolls wee raised.
    -Richard Halliburton paid the cheapest toll which was 36 cents when he swam through the canal!
  • work cited

    "American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.
    "The Building of the Panama Canal." American History USA. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Dec. 2016.
    Davidson, James West. America: History of Our Nation Civil War to Present. N.p.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. Print.
    Panama Canal Full Transit in 5-minutes, Cruzando El Canal De Panama En 5 Minutos. Youtube. ChantYip, 3 July 2012. Web.
  • Acts 17:26

    "From one man he created all the nations throughout the whole earth. He decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, and he determined their boundaries". This scripture applies to this timeline event by showing the upbringing and downfall of countries. In this case it showed God willingness enlarging America helping economy growth and destroying the Spanish. God guided America through tough challenges but all in all he empowers the righteous and weakens the evil.