First analysis
Firstly, this is the first element which the Q magazine uses. Q magazine puts the words "His most revealing interview" in a golden circle. This is quite effective because the golden circle stands out from the rest of the elements used. This immediately makes the reader attracted to that element and also makes the reader more eager to want to read Jake's Bugg interview. Furthermore, the golden circle also makes the contents in the circle quite prestige because gold is a classy and regal colour. -
Period: to
Page furniture/ Page element
Second analysis
Secondly, the magazine uses the yellow rectanglar shape to create a sense of speciality in the front cover of the magazine. The artist Bob Dylan is quite a legendary artist. Therefore, the magazine uses this element to emphasise the importance of the artist. The bright yellow colour also stands out from the other colours used in the magazine which makes the readers quite aware of the contents in the element. -
Third Analysis
In this element, the magazine uses the consistent house style which is used through out the magazine. The white fonts used in the red square makes the words stand out. Furthermore, the size of the font used in the element suggests that the content is quite important because the font size is quite big and the element used itself is very big which shows that the magazine wants to gain the reader's attention -
Fourth Analysis
This element is quite different from the other elements used in the magazine because the element is quite plain. However, magazine uses a big speech bubble to highlight what the artist says about himself. Through this we know that the artist obviously thinks highly of himself and the big speech bubble emphasises how important the quotation is. -
Final Analysis
Here the magazine uses several different elements. Firstly, the magazine highlights the "Plus!" in red which is an alert to suggest to the readers that there is more contents available in the magazine. Furthermore, the magazine also highlights the most famous celebrities in the gold to show their superiority. Whereas, the less famous celebrities and other less important topics are highlighted in black which suggests that they are neutral.