P Meyers class timeline

  • Period: 3500 BCE to


  • 3400 BCE


  • 2490 BCE

    The Great pyramid

  • 800 BCE


  • 323 BCE

    Death of Alexander the Great

  • 5 BCE

    Birth of Christ

  • 476

    Fall of the Roman Empire

  • 610

    Islam Founded

  • 1436

    Printing Press

  • 1492

    Columbus sails the ocean blue

  • 1575


  • Pilgrims land

  • American Independence

  • Steam locomotive

  • Civil War ends

  • Phonograph

  • Telephone

  • Lightbulb

  • Motorola DynaTec Cell Phone

  • Coca-Cola

  • Diesel engine

  • Wright Bros flight

  • WWI

  • Fords Model T

  • Motion Pictures: Birth of a Nation debuts

  • Transatlantic flight

  • First Radio station

  • Television

  • WWII begins

  • Mcdonalds

  • Atomic bombs dropped on Japan

  • Polio vaccine

  • Sputnick launch

  • Moonlanding

  • Pong debuts

  • Betamax

  • VHS

  • PC wins Time Magazine “Man of the Year”

  • CD

  • World wide Web (www)

  • Nanotubes

  • Cloning of Dolly the sheep

  • I-pod debuts

  • Iphone Debuts

  • Netflix streaming

  • Today