Step 1:
I will graduate from high school and go on to college and take the culinary arts program , graduate from that program and go back and take the business management program , also i will study abroad. -
Step 2:
I will get jobs in restuarants working under chef and learning their way of running things while taking notes on how to run a restuarant. -
Step 3 :
I will continue on to work in restuarants, but i will also try to get jobs in the business world to have some experience with numbers hands on. -
Step 4
After work experience in the culinary world and business world i think i should be ready to start looking for leases a to start my business. In the next year i should have a place leased -
Own my own restuarant
S- Own a Restuarant of which i have complete control over
M- Once i get to the point of cutting the rope on the grand opening in 10 years, i know i have done what i want.
A- Taking all the classes and all the right education in business as well as culinary arts.
R- I can own my own restuarant because i am determind enough to do it.
T- I would like fo this to be completed in the next 5-10 years -
Step 5
At this time over the next year or two i see myself starting to have Ora Mae's Cafe put together and ready for its grand opening.