Muhammad's Birth
Muhammad was born in 570 A.D. in a town called Mecca, in Western Arabia. -
The Death of Amina
When Muhammad was five or six years old, his mother passed away and Muhammed became an orphan. -
Nov 18, 610
Muhammad Recieves First Revelation
Muhammad received his first revelation from God while he was fasting and meditating in caves. He was visited by an overpowering force and was told to recite beautiful words and write them down. -
Nov 18, 613
Muhammad Goes Public
Muhammad took his message and spoke to the public. The words that he spoke later became the Qur'an. -
Nov 18, 622
Migrates to Medina
Muhammad migrates with his followers to Medina. He stayed there for six years and built the Muslim community. -
Nov 18, 632
Death of Muhammad
Muhammad returns to live in Medina. He visited Mecca one last time to perform a pilgrimage. After this, he returned to Medina and died of a brief illness. -
Muhammad Marries Kadijah
Muhammad marries Kadijah, an older widow, and has six children with her. -
Treaty Signed
A treaty was signed that recognizded the Muslims as a new force in Arabia. The treaty was breached by Meccan allies a year later.