Outline of Muhammad's Life

  • 570

    Birth in Mecca

    This city was already a center of religious practice due to the landing of a meteorite. This meteorite is called the Kabah.
  • 575

    Mother's Death

    His father had already died before he was born and after visiting his grave, the mother died as well. This left Muhammad as an orphan where he was cared for by his grandfather.
  • 578

    Grandfather's Death

    After his grandfather passed away, he moved into the care of his uncle. This is important in Islam because it shows how Allah brought guidance to his disrupted childhood.
  • 595

    Muhammad Marries Khadija

    After working for the wealthy merchant, she was impressed by his honesty and character. They got married when Muhammad was 25, and she was 40.
  • Period: 595 to 609

    Family Life

    Muhammad lives a relatively normal life and has 6 children, 2 of whom died in infancy. Mecca was prospering during this time.
  • 610

    First Revelation

    Muhammad did not like the materialism and idolatry in Mecca so he started meditating and fasting in a cave outside the town. One of these times, he was visited by an overpowering presence and recited words that was eventually attributed as being from God.
  • 613

    Muhammad Starts Sharing his Revelations

    After experiencing several more revelations, Muhammad started to share the messages that he received to his tribe. Those who followed Muhammad started being persecuted, and eventually there was an attempt to assassinate Muhammad.
  • 622

    Migration with Followers to Yathrib

    Yathrib was the burial place of this father. His followers numbered up to a few hundred and the city was renamed to Medina, the City of the Prophet.
  • Period: 625 to 628

    3 Skirmishes with Mecca

    The Battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud, and the Seige of Medina happened, where a treaty was eventually signed between the two sides.
  • 630

    Conquest of Mecca

    The Muslims were now considered a formidable group and most of the power that Mecca once had shifted over to them. They marched towards Mecca and peacefully took over as the tribes now joined Muhammad's side.
  • 632

    Death in Medina

    Shortly before his death, he performed one last pilgrimage to Mecca from Medina, where tens of thousands of Muslims joined him. Soon after his return to Medina, he got ill, died, and was buried in the mosque in Medina.